And this was day 30 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge! Today, for the last day, I worked a bit on Hooks and tried to find out, how we use them at work. I can say, that I learned again a bit more about hooks, by getting to know, how we use them.
And that's it. That was my #30DaysOfGit Challenge. I'm really happy that I tried it and I will continue with a #30DaysOfRuby Challenge. But before, I will write a little resume tomorrow.
#30daysofgit #30daysofruby #30daysof
Totally forgot to post my Day 28 of my #30DaysOfGit yesterday! We had an important private appointment and because of that, I had not much time to learn. I've started creating a little dotfiles and created a git repository for that.
And even more important: I was able to solve a few git issues we had with one repository at work. That was a really good feeling. Finally understanding what #git is trying to tell me 😄
Day 25 of my #30DaysOfGit. Today I was reading @moanos Blog post about the introduction of #git ( and I read a bit more about git add --patch and read the best practice guide from #bitbucket (
I have 5 days left and at the moment I don't know what to read. Not that I now know everything about git. But with my next Challenge (#ruby) I will start using git more often, because of scripting own things.
#30daysofgit #git #bitbucket #ruby #30daysof
Yesterday was Day 24 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge and this time I used my hour of learning to learn more about #git rebase, because I wasn't able to fully understand when to use rebase and when to use merge. Now I'm smarter :D
If I want to read cool blog posts or articles about #git, with best practices, cool tips, how to do things, etc. where do I have to go? 😄
Today I haven't learned something new about #git, because to be honest: There wasn't time for that. I also don't know if I will have time for my #30DaysOfGit Challenge tomorrow, but I will try my best. I cannot exit out on the last few days :D
But at least I know what the topic for my next #30DaysOf Challenge will be: #Ruby
I also already have one or two cool ideas what to build with it :D
#git #30daysofgit #30daysof #ruby
As promised: Here is day 22 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge. Yesterday I read through the article @mforester shared ( and from there I read through the concept of atomic commits ( Both are really good to learn how to create good commit messages and how often you want to commit something! And both links are now saved for future remembering ^^
I have done my #30DaysOfGit Challenge today, but I'm tired and will comment on that tomorrow in the morning :-)
Day 22 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge aaaand I'm done with the book. I've read through (mostly) everything. After that I reread Rerere on the git documentation and did a few online quizzes just for the funzies.
Tomorrow I will reread a few other thing I haven't understood and then I have to find something for the last few days
Day 21 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
Today was "plumbing" day :D I've learned about the plumbing-commands and how they are used by the "procelain" commands to let us use git like we are using it.
And that's it with the normal chapters of the book. Now I only have 2 Appendix left, that I want to read.
Day 20 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
Today was the first day I learned about Webhooks in Git. Client Hooks and Server Hooks. I must say, they are pretty cool :-)
And now... I am on the last chapter of my Pro Git Handbook. I ignored the compatibility part with other VCS.
After I've finished the book, I will reread a few things I still don't understand
Day 19 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
Today I learned a few more Configuration options for git like:
- How to use a template
- How to change your Pager
- How to use a global .gitignore file
I also learned a bit about git attributes. Cool, but I don't think I will use them very often.
I think they'll make more sense, when you're working on bigger projects than I'm used to ^^
And it's Day 17 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge. I didn't know, that you can use Repositories as Submodules in your project, which is kind of cool!
I also learned to use git merge with Xours or Xtheirs and I learned about git bisect which, in my opinion, is a very cool tool to hunt for a bug which was introduced in an earlier commit!
Today is saturday and therefore weekend. I hope I will find enough motivation to stay focused.
Day 16 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
Today I learned a bit more about "Advanced Merging" or "How to resolve merge conflicts" To be honest: I have a headache and I only understood a few things. Or to be more precise, I understood what they wanted to say, but I don't think, that I will remember how to do it. I just hope that my clouded head will remember where I have to look, when I get a merge conflict.
Day 15 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge. We're half way through. And today I've learned about squashing commits together and "everything" about git reset.
It's really interesting to learn what git reset --soft, --mixed and --hard do.
And it's easier to understand, if you know what HEAD, staged and working directory is. Good for me I know that now 🙂
Day 14 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge and today I learned about signing your work with GPG and how to rewrite your last (or any) commit message or how to rewrite files to an existing commit.
Good to know but also attention! Do this only if you haven't pushed the commit to your online repo!
Day 13 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge and I can confirm what @bigtuffal said a few days ago [here]( It's really getting hard. I've learned about `git log` differences and Stashing most of the time.
And you can do pretty cool things with `git stash`. I really have to test them out!
Day 12 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge. Now I'm a Github Pro! At least the book says so.
I've learned how to manage a repositroy and how to create an organisation and manage it.
At work were heavily use organisiations, so that may come in handy some time.
Next up are Git Tools. I'm eager to find out what this will be
Day 11 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
#Github was the topic and the goal to learn how to create an account, how to fork a project and how to contribute to a project by creating a pull request.
This is really interseting, because Github, or Gitlab are platforms I know, but I've never learned or understood how to contribute to a project.
Now I'm a bit smarter about it. 🙂
#30daysofgit #github #30daysof
Day 10 of my #30DaysOfGit Challenge.
Today I learned what to do, if you're the maintainer of a Repository and want to merge a pull request, or a mail merge or what they are called ^^
It's getting harder for me to follow the book, because I don't have much experience in all these contributing things.
But I still learn something new and I know where to search if I need a refresher 🙂