Day 10: A song that makes you sad
Arcade Fire - In the Back Seat
My Arcade Fire listening ended pretty abruptly when all the allegations came out, but this does it for me in terms of mood. Particularly the lyrics.
This was a challenge - not many songs make me sad, and I'll happily binge Radiohead, and the usual stuff that's meant to do the trick without a mood dip... it's fun to listen to! :)
#30DaySongChallenge Day 22- A song that moves you forward
(These are getting way too vague)
I'm going to go with my song that I play when I need to motivate my butt to get out the door. And this one does have a drive to it.
Moona Honshinova- High Tide
#30DaySongChallenge #30DayMoreSongsChallenge #30MoreSongsChallenge
86 The last song you added to your playlist
Tom Petty, with the Bangles in the chorus. What more can I ask for? =)
Waiting for Tonight —
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
#30moresongschallenge #30daymoresongschallenge #30daysongchallenge
27. Breaks your heart - Change, 2004
I love them :Cat_Heavybreathing:
I don't know about breaking in the conventional love song sense but life is more complex than that.
They have a new album out, get it on Bandcamp.
#mindinabox #30daysongchallenge
Day 22: a song that moves you forward
I have no idea what this means.
Maybe a song that inspires you to overcome life's great challenges, like getting out of bed? Or a walking song, like 500 Miles?
How about a song that recalls a trauma so completely that by hearing it you can pick up where you left off processing that shit.
Sisters of Mercy - Untitled
Day 22: a song that moves you forward
I have no idea what this means.
Maybe a song that inspires you to overcome life's great challenges, like getting out of bed? Or a walking song, like 500 Miles?
How about a song that recalls a trauma so completely that by hearing it you can pick up where you left off processing that shit.
Sister of Mercy - Untitled
Day 22: A song that moves you forward
Vienna Teng - Level Up
#day13 of #30daysongchallenge - a song you like from the 70s
“Map Ref. 48°N 93°W” by #Wire
I love Wire so much, especially this song which is as anthemic as they ever allowed themselves to get on those early albums. Few bands from that era sound as out-of-time as they do. Extra points for being about maps cause I’m a map dork through-and-through. Chorus!
#day13 #30daysongchallenge #wire
#30daysongchallenge Day 21 - A song you like with a person's name in the title.
The Pixies - Cecilia Ann
Day 80: A song by an artist no longer alive
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles
#30daysongchallenge #30daymoresongschallenge #30moresongschallenge
#30DaySongChallenge #30DayMoreSongsChallenge #30MoreSongsChallenge
85 A song that reminds you of spring
While this is technically a heartbreak song, every time I hear it I think of spring. Theoretically I should like more the spanish version, but this is the original…=)
Maledetta primavera — Loretta Goggi
#30moresongschallenge #30daymoresongschallenge #30daysongchallenge
Day 4: A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget
Life on a Chain - Pete Yorn
It's catchy, and if it wasn't associated with the cherry on the sundae of assholes I dated in my 20s, I'd like it more.
This guy, though, stands out for a few reasons. Maybe it's because he was the last person I dated before I met who I eventually married. But he was so shitty (psychologically, not physically abusive or anything like that), I distinctly remember going from intense hurt to nothing, like a light switch went off in my brain and body.
Unfortunately, when you shut down completely it's not just for the icky emotions. It took a lot of things to restart the emotional centers in my brain. But I'm not the same because of this experience. In some ways it's good, I'm way more reasoned and level headed than I was. But I also can't feel intense happiness, with a few exceptions (getting married, birth of my kids). I'm also now in my 40s, but I've been emotionally in my 40s since I was 25.
Tag 1: "Ein Lied aus deinem ersten Konzert." MĂĽsste sogar 1984 gewesen sein (zusammen mit meinen Eltern). Die Puhdys und Das Buch.
#30daysongchallenge #30tage30songs
Day 21: a song you like with a person's name in the title
Sir Chloe - Michelle
I envy you if you're hearing this for the first time. :blobcat_hearthug:
Day 19: A song that makes you think about life.
The Circle Game - Tom Rush
Day 79: The opening track to your favorite album
Oh, goodness. I don't have a favorite album. I used to have favorites back w tapes & CDs. I listen to whole albums. But I don't have favorites anymore.
I'll do the opening track to the last full album I listened to - which was Royal Blood's Back to the Water Below. The opening track is Mountains at Midnight.
#30daysongchallenge #30daymoresongschallenge #30moresongschallenge
Eigentlich habe ich Bock euch 30 Tage mit Musik zuzuspamen.🤔
#30tage30songs #30daysongchallenge
#30DaySongChallenge Day 21- A song you like with a person's name in the title
This is an excellent song from College Humor (now Dropout) about how much Bezos could have done with his money 2 years ago. It applies to all billionaires.
If I had the Money That Bezos Had - College Humor
Day 5: A song that needs to be played loud
Oh man... there are just way too many... but two come to mind immediately:
Motorhead - Overkill
Metallica - Four Horsemen (all of Kill em All, really)
#day12 of #30daysongchallenge - a song from your teenage years
“What’s the Frequency Kenneth” by REM.
Not cheating and listing a consciously “cool” song from that era that I wouldn’t have actually known back then. Growing up not too terribly far from Athens GA, it feels like my family were early adopters of REM. I remember vividly this song coming out and being amazed by the sound of Peter Buck’s guitar.