Tag 18: Ein Lied aus dem Jahr, in dem ich geboren wurde
Auch wenn die deutschen Top 100 auf dem Jahr anderes vermuten lassen, es gab damals auch schon richtig gute Musik.
NP: #BlackSabbath - Children Of The Grave
Wo stände Heavy Metal heute, wenn es Black Sabbath und Ozzy nicht gegeben hätte?
#blacksabbath #30dayssongchallenge
Day 17. A song for a karaoke duet
TAG 4: Ein Lied, das dich an jemanden erinnert, den du lieber vergessen würdest.
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
Das Lied passt eigentlich nur indirekt, weil es mir in einem bestimmten Fall danach sehr geholfen hat, darüber hinwegzukommen.
Und weiter geht es mit der #30dayssongchallenge
TAG 2: Ein Lied, das eine Zahl im Titel hat
Ich biete sogar einen Titel mit drei Zahlen an 😁
Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4
Catching up on #30DaysSongChallenge #BIPOC edition.
Day 3 - song that reminds you of Summer.
My choice is this instrumental #masterpiece :
Summer - #JoeHisaishi
#AsianMastodon #POCMastodon #BIPOC #pianist #Japanese #musician #music #Youtube #MusicVideo
#30dayssongchallenge #bipoc #masterpiece #joehisaishi #asianmastodon #pocmastodon #pianist #japanese #musician #music #youtube #musicvideo
Trying to catch up with #30DaysSongChallenge #BIPOC edition.
Day 2(I'm combining my missed days)
Song with number in title.
My choice is:
Eight - #IU
#30dayssongchallenge #bipoc #iu #asianmastodon #arenapop #asianmusic #asiansuperstar
Day 10 - a song that makes you sad
“I let myself imagine she was you” - every time
The Mountajn Goats - Marduk T Shirt Men’s Room Incident.
#30dayssongchallenge #30daysongchallenge
Day 10 - a song that makes you sad.
Molly Drake - I remember
Molly Drake was a poet and the mother of #NickDrake, whom she inspired a lot. Her - few - songs only became known after the interested in the music of her son rose. This song, which sounds so happy, has a subtile sadness in the lyrics, especially in the last verse.Hits me every time I listen to it.
And: I love that old fashioned English🥲
#NickDrake #30daysongchallenge #30dayssongchallenge
#30dayssongchallenge Day 9 - a song that makes you happy Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
#30daysongchallenge #30dayssongchallenge
A song that makes you happy - day 9 (if I'm right)
Tough one. Which happy? So many different shades of happiness.
(Contemplating over a cup of tea...)
This song works nearly everytime:
Eliza Shaddad - Blossom
Have a blossom day!
#30dayssongchallenge #30daysongchallenge
Day 8 a song about drugs or booze
Guns N Roses - Night Train
#30daysongchallenge #30dayssongchallenge Day 8 - Songs about alcohol or drugs.
Well this one isn't very obvious on the first look:
Grizzly Bear - Sun in your Eyes
The story behind the song explains it, though. #DanielRossen the singer and bandleader wrote that song after trying #ayahuasca for the first time.
Oh my. Must have been an inspiring experience.
I still prefer a glass of good red wine.
#ayahuasca #danielrossen #30dayssongchallenge #30daysongchallenge
Day6 a song that makes you want to dance…
George Grossman - You should see me dance the polka
Day 5 - song to play loud
Faith No More - Surprise! Your Dead!
Day4 - a song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget.
Hardest day so far!
Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay
No. 1: A song you like with a colour in the title
Type 0 Negative: Black No. 1 ... was könnte besser passen ;-)
Let's get into this thing of #30dayssongchallenge Day 1: a song with a color on the title
Theatre des Vampires - Lady in Black
Day 13: A song you'd love to be played at your wedding
My WHAT? 😜
Day 13: A song you'd love to be played at your wedding
My WHAT? 😜