Cyrus D. :clubtwit: · @ckdastur
9 followers · 127 posts · Server

Day 7 - Favorite TNG Episode - Chain of Command Part 2 - No need for high tech CGI and complex action… just the absolute amazing acting of both Patrick Stewart and David Warner (Gul Madred) Could have watched their interactions for several more hours!

Not to mention the amazing work of Jonathan Frakes and Ronny Cox (Cpt. Jellico). The interplay these two had could have carried a few episodes by themselves.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cyrus D. :clubtwit: · @ckdastur
9 followers · 119 posts · Server

Day 6 - Happiest Event - DS9 “His Way” - Kira & Odo’s first kiss. After years of Odo hiding his unrequited love for Kira, he overcomes his fears and finds that she loves him too.
The only thing that would have made it better is if it was his friends who had helped him express himself, rather than the holographic singer Vic. Of course part of his aloofness from his friends, and overcoming it, is part of what made his caracheter so iconic.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
403 followers · 2270 posts · Server

Day 23: Planet I'd most like to visit.

At first, I thought of Risa, a planet of pleasure. But then I thought that it has to be Earth. To visit my home planet to find a world of peace, with no hunger or poverty would be wonderful.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
402 followers · 2265 posts · Server

Day 21: Best Overall Space Vessel

Well, it obviously has to be the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cyrus D. :clubtwit: · @ckdastur
9 followers · 118 posts · Server

Day 4 - Saddest Event - The death of Data, Star Trek Nemesis - Not my favorite TNG movie, but Data’s sacrifice of himself to save Picard is still heart wrenching and one of the most beautiful expressions of brotherly love in the Star Trek Universe.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cyrus D. :clubtwit: · @ckdastur
9 followers · 116 posts · Server

Trying to restart. Day 4 - Best Captain - Very hard choice. Sisko barely beats out Picard. Mostly due to development of Sisko from decent Commander to amazing Captain and inspirational leader able to balance being religious icon with being a wartime leader over the DS9 arc.
Captain Picard will always fill an enormous place in my heart. True titan of Starfleet (Legend does not begin to cover it), finally receiving the much deserved development and nuance in ST: Picard


Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
399 followers · 2240 posts · Server

Day 20: Best Trek Tech

At first, I was thinking of replicators, which would help with food and supply shortages. But Earth moved on from poverty (but other planets haven't, but the Federation won't share tech).

So I was thinking of something medical to make the diagnosis and treatment of diseases much quicker:
Medical Tricorder.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
394 followers · 2185 posts · Server

Day 19: Favourite Trek Film

Without any shadow of a doubt, it's First Contact.

The Federations greatest, most ruthless, dangerous enemy. A captain who was once assimilated by them. Picard flexing his muscles and going all John McClane, but with Stewart's usual great speeches. A great story about hope with Cochrane making his maiden flight at light speed and the Enterprise E.
What's not to love?

#30daystartrekchallenge #startrek #startrekfirstcontact

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
392 followers · 2167 posts · Server

Day 18: Character You're Most Like

Tough one, each of us is our own unique person, unlike any other.

I'm saying Ro Lauren (without the occupation), as I often side with the underdog and sympathies with the Maquis. I don't like authority and my mouth sometimes gets me in trouble.
There is also some mix of Reg Barclay or Tilly, although I don't think I have any neurodivergence. Also, some Picard with my morals.
Although I'm not half as smart as these guys!

#30daystartrekchallenge #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server


My favorite episode has to be . The bits were perfection. And the idea of a Photonic race who is unable to see reality as real, but sees holograms as real, was a great spin on the usual storylines.

I especially loved as "Queen of the Spider People."

#voyager #brideofchaotica #captainproton #holodeck #janeway #arachnia #startrek #startrekvoyager #30daystartrekchallenge #day17

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
392 followers · 2130 posts · Server

Day 17: Favourite Voyager Episode

Blink of an Eye
(E6 E12)

Voyager encounters a strange planet where time passes at an increased rate where one second for Voyager is nearly a day on the planet. Voyager is pulled into its orbit and trapped there.
The planet's civilisation evolves, and Voyager slowly becomes part of their society's mythology.

Love this episode. A great story, with no "villain of the week", and a happy ending.

#30daystartrekchallenge #startrek #startrekvoyager

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark H · @neonbubble
488 followers · 2409 posts · Server

And that concludes my which, quite frankly, I didn't think I'd manage as things often come up and distract me. But it was enjoyable doing it, and enjoyable seeing what other people have done for it too.


Last updated 2 years ago

Mark H · @neonbubble
488 followers · 2407 posts · Server

Day 30: Favourite Trek Series

If we've learnt anything about me from this challenge - and we probably haven't - then it's that I'm on the side of the underdog, the people treated badly but doing their best against the odds. For the overall story and the off-screen pressure it faced I could only pick Enterprise. Gloss over the first season for the most part and what you've got, especially late on, are some of the best story arcs written.

#startrekenterprise #startrek #30daystartrekchallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
392 followers · 2123 posts · Server

Day 16: Favourite Non-Federation Species

Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!


A warrior species with a rich culture.
A species that once had this mad bastard as a leader.
And then there is the complete badass that is Worf.

#30daystartrekchallenge #tng #startrek #startrekds9 #startrektng #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekdeepspacenine #sttng #stds9

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark H · @neonbubble
488 followers · 2386 posts · Server

Day 29: Favourite Trek Quote

"You'd shoot a man in the back?"

"Well, it's the safest way."

To be fair, I could've gone with any number of Garak quotes. He brought much-needed duplicity to the Star Trek universe.

"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences."

#Garak #startrekds9 #startrek #30daystartrekchallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
391 followers · 2108 posts · Server

Day 15 Favourite Trek Book

I haven't really got a favourite. I've only read the book Generations, from the film about 25 years ago (!!) and that was only okay.

I like some of the review books and episode guides over the years, so I guess that.

Can anyone recommend one of the non-fiction (DS9 or TNG), please?

#30daystartrekchallenge #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark H · @neonbubble
487 followers · 2373 posts · Server

Day 28: Favourite Kelvin Timeline Moment

The Kevin timeline. Lovely designs. Great characters. Good one-liners. Horrible plot chasms in the stories that ruin each one of them for me. So very many plot chasms. Terrible, terrible plot chasms. So, back to one of those lovely designs, and the introduction of Yorktown in Star Trek: Beyond. Utterly ridiculous "snow globe in space" but immensely pretty.

#startrekbeyond #yorktown #startrek #30daystartrekchallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark H · @neonbubble
484 followers · 2360 posts · Server

Day 27: Favourite Animated Series Episode

As the only animated series we've watched is Lower Decks, it'll have to come from there, and I'm going with The Least Dangerous Game for just a lot of fun personality conflicts to resolve in this very sitcom-style episode. Boimler saying yes to everything and the Klingon version of Dungeons and Dragons were so entertaining.

#lowerdecks #startrek #30daystartrekchallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
390 followers · 2092 posts · Server

Day 14: Best First Officer

Suru from Disco.

Although he seems to flit throughout the entire series from First Officer to Captain, depending upon what Burnham fancies doing that week, he's a fascinating character.
Suru's character has grown massively, he's an entirely new species with a fascinating history and culture and a tragic one in the alternate timeline. He's kind and fair, but tough when he needs to be. He also has those spiky things that shoot out his neck.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @BintyMcFrazzles
391 followers · 2083 posts · Server

Day 13: Favourite Time Travel Episode.

Yesterday's Enterprise

While investigating a temporal rift, the Enterprise encounters a ghost from its own past – the USS Enterprise-C, which travels twenty-two years into the future and changes the course of history.

Action-packed. Picard and Guinan chewing the scenery. Massive consequences.

"Let history never forget the name: Enterprise."

#30daystartrekchallenge #startrek #startrektng #tng

Last updated 2 years ago