Day 4 of my #30dayTrekChallenge
Best Captain: Jean-Luc Picard.
I almost went with Janeway here, but in the end there is no captain who better exemplifies the ideals of Star Trek in the same way as Picard.
He is loyal to his crew and his mission, he is democratic when circumstances allow, commanding when they do not. Unashamedly intelligent and curious, expertly diplomatic, he is the entire Captain package in one bald headed Frenchman with an RP accent. I could continue the superlatives endlessly and still barely scratch the surface of this remarkable man’s abilities. Temarc, the river Temarc, in winter.
He even has a chateau!
Day 3 of my #30dayTrekChallenge
Favourite Starship: USS Discovery-A
Just look at that beautiful thing! Programmable matter! Nacelles held in place by force fields! Still with the glorious Art Deco style of the triangle and circles…
Star Trek challenge, Day 2
Day 2 - Favorite Federation Race
Hard to pick just one, but since Hemmer showed up on SNW (and exited too soon) Andorians are now on my short list.
#30daytrekchallenge #startrek #llap
Day 1: favorite TOS episode
3-way tie between:
Balance of Terror -- beautifully written in spite of over-obvious plot thickeners (new fave, as of 2 days ago)
Devil in the Dark -- had the most lasting impact on me (since 1973!) If we could mind-meld with the other species on Earth, what might we learn? All these yrs later, we're just beginning to understand their cognitive capabilities.
The City on the Edge of Forever -- one of Harlan Ellison's best.
#30daytrekchallenge #startrek #llap
Day 30 - Favourite Trek Series
Star Trek Voyager
Because it is a high quality series until the end. #TNG was kinda boring to me, the seventh season of #DS9 was 50% shit, #TOS is what it is and the new series, nah...
What I enjoyed most was the season spaning plot of both #VOY and #DS9, but Voyager kept the standards high until the end, although the crew might not be the best, compared to DS9.
Image Source: Moviepilot
#tng #ds9 #tos #voy #30daytrekchallenge #startrek
Day 29 - Favourite Trek Quote
"The only way to defeat fear is to tell it 'No'." No - we will not take shortcuts on the path to righteousness. No - we will not break the rules that protect us from our basest instincts. No - we will not allow desperation to destroy moral authority."
Michael Burnham, #StarTrekDiscovery
Image Source: YouTube
#startrekdiscovery #30daytrekchallenge #startrek
Day 28 - Favourite Kelvin Timeline Moment
The introduction of Yorktown.
Image Source: Memory Alpha
@sezduck I completely agree! Avery Brooks was extraordinary in this episode. Honestly Sisko is my favorite captain :trek_ds9_sisko: :DS9: #30DayTrekChallenge
Day 27 - Favourite Animated Series Episode
As I’ve never seen an episode of the animated series, none.
Day 26 - Favourite Crossover
#TheNextGeneration, episode Relics, were the crew found Scotty in the USS Jenolan with Scotty saved in the transporter.
I guess it was very hard for #Scotty to realize that all his friends from "his" Enterprise were gone and that on Picard's Enterprise, there was hardly any need for him.
Image Source: Memory Alpha
#thenextgeneration #scotty #30daytrekchallenge #startrek #tng
Day 25 - Favourite Discovery Episode
Can’t remember the title, it was the episode where they freed Ash Tyler from being a Klingon. He came to the canteen and sat alone, afraid of how people will react to him for what he has done.
Tilly stood up and walked over to his table to sit down, others following her example immediately and thus signalling Tyler that he’s one of them.
This is simply Tilly’s core.
Image Source: Memory Alpha
Day 23 - Planet You'd most like to visit
Again, this is not easy, as I sway between #Bajor and #Vulcan. I'd really like to visit Vulcan and learn more about their culture and Surak's teachings.
However, as I really hate hot climate and weather, I'd rather go to Bajor. 😅
Image Source: Memory Alpha
#bajor #vulcan #30daytrekchallenge #startrek
Day 22 - Favourite Enterprise Episode
It's too long ago that I watched #Enterprise.
However, I always loved the episodes with Shran, as they depict, how you carefully build up a peaceful relationship based on mutual assistance with a completely unknown people.
Image Source: IMDB
#enterprise #30daytrekchallenge #startrek
Day 21 - Best Overall Space Vessel
Picard’s Enterprise. Remember the saucer separation! Even Data was fascinated that it worked and he’s an artificial life form.
Sadly they did that just two or three times.
Image Source: Memory Beta
#30daytrekchallenge #startrek #tng #enterprise
Day 20 - Favourite Trek Tech
Transporter Technology
Yes, IWarp drive this that. I’m tackling this question from the POV, what would humanity help now to solve a lot of problems. In my opinion, it’s the transporter tech, because it would stop pollution through airplanes, cars, ships etc. And as the replicator tech is part of the transporter tech, it also tackles the question of meat mass production, as this wouldn’t be necessary anymore.
Image Source: Wikipedia
Day 19 - Favourite Trek Film
Tbh, I've hardly seen the old movies. Remember the one, where they resettled whales, saw #StarTrek Generations, and broke off watching Nemesis.
I'm more fan of the new movies, therefore, my favourite Trek film would be Star Trek Beyond. I appreciated that they focussed onto a failed Star Fleet Captain/crew, who used to be remembered as heroes and what might come out of it.
Image Source: Moviepilot
Day 18 - Character You're most like
I did a really detailed character test a few weeks ago, which was shared on the Dodo page. The results were compared to fictional characters.
It turned out that I'm most like the #Holodoc from #voyager and I love it!
Of course, I compared myself to #TNG and #DS9 as well and there I got Data and Rom.
Image Soure: Wikipedia
#holodoc #voyager #tng #ds9 #30daytrekchallenge #startrek
Day 17 - Favourite Voyager Episode
Eye of the Needle
It's an episode at the beginning of the series and the crew gets in contact with a Romulan through a micro wormhole. Of course, they hope that this might be an opportunity to at least send a message to Star Fleet. Therefore, they have to trust one of their main enemies.
However, it turns out that the Romulan died four years prior to Voyager's disappearing.
Image Source: TV Tropes
#30daytrekchallenge #startrek #voyager
Day 16 - Favourite Non-Federation Race
The #Ferengi
In my opinion, they are how part of humanity is in its current state. Nevertheless, some of the Ferengi in #DS9 were able to develope for the better (Rom becoming part of the engineer team, Nog joining Star Fleet).
Furthermore, I really learned to love them in DS9, showing their type of society and how individuals try to break the rules, especially Ishka.
Image Source: Memory Alpha
#ferengi #ds9 #30daytrekchallenge #startrek