Just watched 30 for 30, S3 • E8: This Magic Moment https://trakt.tv/shows/31540/seasons/3/episodes/8 #30For30 #trakt #TraktLog #MastoTrakt #CouchPal
#30for30 #trakt #traktlog #mastotrakt #couchpal
#BurdenOfProof #BeyondSkinwalkerRanch #StorageWars #CustomerWars #LateNightLockup #RHONJ #LHHATL #MyLittlePony #AGT #BeatShazam #SupermanAndLois #30for30 #WindyCityRehab #DeadliestCatch #7LittleJohnstons #DarkSideOfTheRing
#DarkSideOfTheRing #7littlejohnstons #deadliestcatch #windycityrehab #30for30 #SupermanAndLois #beatshazam #AGT #mylittlepony #LHHATL #RHONJ #latenightlockup #customerwars #storagewars #beyondskinwalkerranch #burdenofproof
If you are looking for something fun to watch this weekend, ESPN's latest 30 for 30 is on the American Gladiators and is a fun watch. Cut in two parts, it is rather long, running around 3 hours or so of run-time.
#30for30 #espn #americangladiators
That #30For30 #BulliesOfBaltimore 🤣😭 rip Goose #RavensFlock
#30for30 #bulliesofbaltimore #ravensflock
With my 30th birthday approaching next month, I'm wondering if I should commit to re-reading the 30 books that most influenced me. I feel like that would be a really wild ride, especially if I tried to find a book for every year and read back up linearly through children's books, young adult novels, literature from college, and modern classics.
#30for30 #reading #literature #read #Books