I found myself liking Tod Browning's 1935 Mark of the Vampire a bit more on a rewatch. Most of its problems are due to butchering by the Production Code. Carol Borland and Bela Lugosi look great but sadly most of their scenes were heavily cut.
My review: https://princeplanetmovies.blogspot.com/2023/08/mark-of-vampire-1935.html
#cultmovies #cultmovie #30smovie #30smovies #1930smovie #1930smovies #vampires #vampiremovie #vampiremovies #horror #horrormovie #horrormovies #TodBrowning #CarolBorland #BelaLugosi
#cultmovies #cultmovie #30smovie #30smovies #1930smovie #1930smovies #vampires #vampiremovie #vampiremovies #horror #horrormovie #horrormovies #todbrowning #carolborland #belalugosi
Rebuscando alguna película que ver esta tarde me encuentro con "Blind Date" ❤️ (1987) de Blake Edwards, junto a Kim Basinger y Bruce Willis.
Con un jovencito Bruce Willis, que nada puede presagiar la pobre situación por la que está viviendo actualmente, y una maravillosa Kim Basinger, la película se asemeja, a mi parecer y salvando las distancias, a todo un clásico "Bringing Up Baby" 🦁 (1938) de Howard Hawks. con Cary Grant y Katharine Hepburn.
#80sMovies #30sMovies #BruceWillis
#80smovies #30smovies #brucewillis
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"Ninotchka" (1938) de Ernst Lubitsch
#30Smovies #GretaGarbo
-Ninotchka ¿Le gusto a usted un poco?
-En general el aspecto de usted no es desagradable
Ninotchka 🇨🇳🇫🇷 (1939) de Ernst Lubitsch
#30smovies #gretagarbo
On February 5, 1936 Modern Times premiered at the Rivoli Theater in New York City. Here’s some original Charlie Chaplin art to mark the occasion!
#ModernTimes #CharlieChaplin #TheLittleTramp #30sMovies #ClassicFilm #SilentFilm #OldHollywood #Satire #RomanticComedy #ComedyDrama #CultCinema#Art #PopArt #MovieHistory
#moderntimes #charliechaplin #thelittletramp #30smovies #classicfilm #silentfilm #oldhollywood #Satire #romanticcomedy #comedydrama #cultcinema #popart #moviehistory
How did I let decades pass without watching 1937's "The Awful Truth"? How did I dismiss Irene Dunne, who is absolutely on fire in it? And the arch and lovely Cecil Cunningham.
The dialogue is snappy, the premises absurd, the comedy in words, gestures, looks and situations.
Criterion Channel is featuring #ScrewballComedies this month, and there are some real gems on offer.
#movies #film #criterioncollection #CriterionChannel #theawfultruth #30smovies #comedies #IreneDunne #CaryGrant
#screwballcomedies #movies #film #criterioncollection #criterionchannel #theawfultruth #30smovies #comedies #irenedunne #carygrant