NYJ, born the year that a rock 'n' roll record first made the pop charts, I'm a tax-and-spend bleeding heart limousine liberal and proud of it. #MitchCohen #LairdCregar #MiriamHopkins #KayFrancis #TroubleInParadise #DesignForLiving #310ToYuma #PereUbu #TheSuburbs #LoveIsTheLaw #AnythingAnything #PabloPicasso #HenriMatisse #RalphFleck #WilliamKlein #MassimoVignelli #BernardHermann #EnnioMorricone #TheHiddenFortress #BertLahr #EdWynn #WCFields #PennandTeller #FlyingKaramazovs #UncleVanya #Jumpers
#jumpers #UncleVanya #flyingkaramazovs #pennandteller #wcfields #edwynn #bertlahr #thehiddenfortress #enniomorricone #bernardhermann #massimovignelli #WilliamKlein #ralphfleck #HenriMatisse #pablopicasso #anythinganything #loveisthelaw #thesuburbs #PereUbu #310toyuma #designforliving #troubleinparadise #kayfrancis #miriamhopkins #lairdcregar #mitchcohen
And, of course, our #WestWed leading ladies this week are Felicia Farr and Leora Dana
#310ToYuma #FeliciaFarr #LeoraDana
#westwed #310toyuma #feliciafarr #leoradana
This week’s #WestWed leading men are Glenn Ford and Van Heflin
#310ToYuma #GlennFord #VanHeflin
#westwed #310toyuma #glennford #vanheflin
“I always treated mine [wife] alright… never hit her too hard…”
#WestWed #310ToYuma
I like the initial setup in the 1957 film better than in the 2007 film
#WestWed #310ToYuma