This arrived yesterday. Being a tune book, it is exempt from my resolution of book-buying restraint. It looks excellent, full of 3/2 and 9/4 goodness.
#tunebooks #books #32hornpipes
Northumbrian music includes quite a few tunes that just don’t want to let you stop. Particularly 3/2 hornpipes. I think I first ran into this with Love & Whisky/Bob & Joan/Cam-ye-o’er-fare-France/ whatever you want to call it. Today it was Rusty Gully. There’s just no way out.
And it is seriously awesome.
#Folk #FolkMusic #NSP #NorthumbrianSmallpipes #Hornpipes #32Hornpipe #32Hornpipes
#folk #folkmusic #nsp #northumbriansmallpipes #hornpipes #32hornpipe #32hornpipes
Northumbrian music includes quite a few tunes that just don’t want to let you stop. Particularly 3/2 hornpipes. I think I first ran into this with Love & Whisky/Bob & Joan/Cam-ye-o’er-fare-France/ whatever you want to call it. Today it was Rusty Gully. There’s just no way out.
And it is seriously awesome.
#Folk #FolkMusic #NSP #NorthumbrianSmallpipes #Hornpipes #32Hornpipes
#folk #folkmusic #nsp #northumbriansmallpipes #hornpipes #32hornpipes