kurtsh · @kurtsh
501 followers · 2443 posts · Server mastodon.social

Oh my God. I've been playing Halo for 20 years & I probably only knew 1/3rd of what's in this video for games, books, movies & comics. The author does a fantastic job to tying everything all together. Bravo.
"The Complete Story, Timeline and Lore of Halo, through Infinite" on YouTube

#halo #343studios #masterchief #spartan117

Last updated 2 years ago

kurtsh · @kurtsh
310 followers · 1003 posts · Server mastodon.social

I don't know who at / needs to hear this but the "Campaign Network Co-op" feature of the Winter Update is so much fun... it's the kind of thing that just shuts everyone up.

Granted I'm fortunate enough to have multiple Xbox Series X's in our home... my son & I have played more Halo Infinite Campaign Co-op than we ever have on any game ever in his short time on the planet.

It's just so boss. (And yes, Waypoint wars is a real thing. 😂)

#haloinfinite #343studios

Last updated 2 years ago