A small presence this morning outside the Labor National Conference - we were quite drowned out by the CFMEU march! - but, in the words of Paul Kelly & The Messengers, from little things big things grow
#ClimateChange #auspol #Labor #LaborParty #ClimateCrisis #MoveBeyondCoal #350org #LockTheGate #ExtinctionRebellion #XR
#climatechange #auspol #labor #laborparty #climatecrisis #movebeyondcoal #350org #lockthegate #extinctionrebellion #xr
Don't forget the rally for climate change action this Thursday 17th Aug from 8am to 9:30am at the Convention Centre.
It's the Labor National Conference and several groups have united for this action: Move Beyond Coal, 350.org, Lock The Gate... I've also seen the Extinction Rebellion advertising it along roadsides.
#ClimateChange #auspol #Labor #LaborParty #ClimateCrisis #MoveBeyondCoal #350org #LockTheGate #ExtinctionRebellion #XR
#brisbane #meanjin #climatechange #auspol #labor #laborparty #climatecrisis #movebeyondcoal #350org #lockthegate #extinctionrebellion #xr
Here is my article I wrote for my local 350 group newsletter about the Browse Basin and Woodside's plans to continue to expand its gas sources.
It is Woodsides AGM next week I"ll be out front with protest signs.
#gas #climatechange #woodsideenergy #woodside #350org #climateactionnow #climateemergency #nomoregas #gobeyondgas #browsebasin #offshoregas
#gas #climatechange #woodsideenergy #woodside #350org #climateactionnow #climateemergency #nomoregas #gobeyondgas #browsebasin #offshoregas
My 350 Canada #TaxBigOil #sticker & supporter info card arrived today.
#StopEcocide #350Canada #StopCorporateWelfare #EndFossilFuelSubsidies #TaxTheRich #DefundFossilFuels #biodiversity #ecojustice #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #350Org #solidarity #OneEarth #ProtectThePlanet #EarthFirst #StopFossilFuels #Divest #MakeEcocideACrime #CrimesAgainstHumanity #PowerToThePeople #SaveEcosystems #Overshoot #Degrowth
#taxbigoil #sticker #stopecocide #350canada #stopcorporatewelfare #EndFossilFuelSubsidies #taxtherich #defundfossilfuels #biodiversity #ecojustice #climatejustice #climateaction #350org #solidarity #OneEarth #protecttheplanet #earthfirst #stopfossilfuels #divest #makeecocideacrime #crimesagainsthumanity #powertothepeople #saveecosystems #overshoot #degrowth