I also created a #Wikidata item for the protest. Please help add more information to it. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q122382477
#wikidata #365climateedits #a12
If you just missed my #wikimania talk "63% done - 365 climate edits" the video (with English and Swedish subtitles) and slides are on Wikimedia Commons.
In less than 14 hours, my lightning talk "63% done - 365 climate edits" will be airing on #wikimania. #365climateedits
Det blev en video av dagens #365ClimateEdits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=calRL8bhJhc
Today's #365ClimateEdits had a slight overlap with the #EditingForEffie #Wikipedia editathon. I was looking at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and ran the Author Disambiguator tool for Bert G. Drake who have been doing a lot of research on rising CO2 levels. About 40 edits on #wikidata that now links papers to him (the item had no incoming links before today)
#365climateedits #editingforeffie #wikipedia #wikidata
My eighth #365climateedits was also the creation of a #wikidata lexeme from the #Swedish list of new words in 2022. Interesting with so many climate related words. This time it was the word "munkmodell" from the English Doughnut economy model.
#365climateedits #wikidata #swedish
Mitt åttonde #365climateedits var även det ett skapande av ett #wikidata lexem från #nyordslistan 2022. Intressant att det var så pass många klimatrelaterade ord i alla fall. Denna gång blev det det #svenska "munkmodell" som handlar om planetens gränser.
#365climateedits #wikidata #nyordslistan #svenska
My seventh #365climateedits was yet another creation of a #wikidata lexeme from the #Swedish new words list 2022. This was the loan/translation of #decarbonization "avkarbonisering".
#365climateedits #wikidata #swedish #decarbonization
I mitt sjunde #365climateedits blev det skapande av ännu ett #wikidata lexem från #svenska
#nyordslistan 2022. Denna gång blev det "avkarbonisering".
#365climateedits #wikidata #svenska #nyordslistan
Mitt sjätte #365climateedits blev skapandet av ännu ett #wikidata lexem på #svenska från nyordslistan, nämligen klimatbiljett: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L940948
#365climateedits #wikidata #svenska
The sixth #365climateedits was the creation of yet another #wikidata lexeme for one of the "new words" in #Swedish in 2022: climate ticket. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L940948
#365climateedits #wikidata #swedish
The fifth day on my #365climateedits was creating the newly established Ministry of Climate and Enterprise in #Sweden on #wikidata and ending the old Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication that were replaced.
#365climateedits #sweden #wikidata
Min tredje #365climateedits blev också ett #wikidata lexem på #svenska, denna gång ett ord från #nyordslistan, "klimatskadestånd"
#365climateedits #wikidata #svenska #nyordslistan
My third #365climateedits is also a lexeme in Swedish, this time a word that appeared on the Swedish list of new words in 2022, "klimatskadestånd" (climate damages (or compensation)).
#365climateedits #wikimedia #swedish
I min andra #365climateedits skapade jag lexemet "fossilgas", som blev den föredragna termen för myndigheter över "naturgas" i slutet av 2022. (Eftersom att det var på #wikidata blev det 15 redigeringar för att få till det snyggt.) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L916360
#wikimedia #svenska #swedon
#365climateedits #wikidata #wikimedia #svenska #swedon
In my second #365climateedits I created the Swedish lexeme for "fossil gas", which was made the preferred term over "natural gas" for government agencies at the end of 2022. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L916360
#wikimedia #swedish
#365climateedits #wikimedia #swedish
I am participating in the #365climateedits initiative, and so can you!
The idea is that contributors make a climate-related edit to any #Wikimedia project every day for #365days in a row. My progress so far: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Daniel_Mietchen/365_climate_edits .
#365climateedits #wikimedia #365days
My first #365climateedits was the flurry of edits required to publish the newsletter for @wikisusdev https://wikis.world/@wikisusdev/109614524817777819
For the next year, I'll commit to make at least one #wikimedia edit related to the climate every day. I'll document this with #365climateedits in social media and edit summaries (if I remember). I have described the effort at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedians_for_Sustainable_Development/365_climate_edits
I would love to get some company!