Videos vom diesjährigen #37c3 des @CCC werden Schritt für Schritt für anonymen Zugriff in #Freenet hochgeladen: USK@KxGwMvg~cXm5hs1ZX4NSH~I8fYyqcQD-~8dDdtmDs18,gKSJ4JQ4E1s2Pi-C1iKnfcpWp2pTmcOLaAz6PsogCpw,AQACAAE/watch-36c3-incrementally/89/
Danke für die Lizenzinfos direkt in den Videos! Die machen es viel einfacher, die Videos rechtssicher zu teilen.
#jahresendveranstaltung #jev22 #jev #freenet #37C3
Videos vom diesjährigen #37c3 des @CCC werden Schritt für Schritt für anonymen Zugriff in #Freenet hochgeladen: USK@KxGwMvg~cXm5hs1ZX4NSH~I8fYyqcQD-~8dDdtmDs18,gKSJ4JQ4E1s2Pi-C1iKnfcpWp2pTmcOLaAz6PsogCpw,AQACAAE/watch-36c3-incrementally/89/
Danke für die Lizenzinfos direkt in den Videos! Die machen es viel einfacher, die Videos rechtssicher zu teilen.
So, the #37c3 organizers have, for the second time, decided to not adapt to the circumstances.
I have no idea where this leads. After all, COVID is only one reason to adapt. The climate, and energy crises, will be next. So it will then be "No congress this year, because we can't tell people to use as much resources as possible anymore, and that's not a real congress" next time?
The world is changing. We need to adapt, instead of waiting for a miracle turning it all back!
The organizers of a conference by/for geeks take more seriously the health of people than the average state or company.
And we should *not* be surprised by it.
RT @chaosupdates
Call for Participation. Please submit your talk to the longest running German IT security conference and biggest European hacker gathering: The 37th Chaos Communication Congress #37C3
To whom it may concern. Congress of Chaos Computer Club is taking place in Hamburg again this year as an in person event.
Since I had a bad experience attending a conference and taking care with covid testing and wearing masks and trying to take care, I won't attend this years #37c3. Covid-19 is still a thing.
For those who attend the event, take care and have the best time.
Ein paar Hack'n'Sun-Kids schauen sich heute tatsächlich die Doku "Warum unsere Weihnachtsfahrt zum #37c3 auch dieses Jahr vermutlich ausfallen müssen wird".
Ein paar Hack'n'Sun-Kids schauen sich heute tatsächlich die Doku "Warum unsere Weihnachtsfahrt zum #37c3 auch dieses Jahr vermutlich ausfallen müssen wird".
Ein paar Hack'n'Sun-Kids schauen sich heute tatsächlich die Doku "Warum unsere Weihnachtsfahrt zum #37c3 auch dieses Jahr vermutlich ausfallen müssen wird".
If and how the #37C3 can happen this year will be decided in october, depending on the regulatory and infection risk situation. If there will be a real-world congress it will be again in Leipzig.