#Memphis folks with #3Dprinters or new people interested in #3DPrinting as a hobby or business, please come to #MidSouthMakers monthly #3DPrinter clinic this weekend. It starts Saturday, Dec 10 at 1pm. We can help get your printer running or explain how they work for people interested. Admission is free.
#memphis #3DPrinters #3dprinting #MidSouthMakers #3DPrinter
A Flu Week, a Fleek if you will. But no reason to not post my #Prusa Mini tricked out as Evil Bulbasaur. Your #3DPrinter deserves an upgrade like this.
Huh. #Prusa is selling Delta #3dprinters now. Still looking forward their #PrusaXL #3DPrinter.
#Prusa #3DPrinters #prusaxl #3DPrinter
One of my #3dPrinter goals was to get to the point where I could print larger items (350mmx350mmx350mm) this year without having to split them up and create mechanical ways to rejoin the parts. Now that I can reliably print at that size it is time to re-design the Ikea Kallax Shelf PC Case. The biggest part is 341mmx341mmx341mm.
Early warning for #Memphis #makerspace folks and other #makers. #3DPrinter clinic, open to the public, is scheduled for Saturday, December 10th from 1-4pm. See the invite for locations and details:
#memphis #makerspace #makers #3DPrinter
Nice little PrusaXL update from Joe #Prusa over at Prusa Printers. Having built a Voron 2.4r2 #3DPrinter this year, I am enjoying the 350mm x 350mm bed size more and more. Looking forward to working with the PrusaXL since the Prusa Mk3 has been my bread and butter #3DPrinting platform for many years.
If you are in #Memphis and own a 3D printer, come join the @MidsouthMakers #3DPrinter clinic today, Saturday Nov 12 from 1-4pm. Learn about #3DPrinters and #makers in general. Meetup link:
#memphis #3DPrinter #3DPrinters #makers
#3DPrinting, also known as #AdditiveManufacturing, is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from digital files.Most printers for #3DFood use a similar technique to regular 3D printers. They deposit a food-safe #3DPrinter filament […]...
Continue reading: http://knowledge.website/business/four-exciting-use-cases-for-3dprinted-food
#3DPrinting #AdditiveManufacturing #3DFood #3DPrinter