RT @EiropasKomisija: .@VDombrovskis: "Pateicoties ES un mūsu sabiedroto saskaņotai rīcībai, Krievija ir pakļauta nopietnam spiedienam. Atgādināšu – sadarbošanās ar Krieviju, investīcijas tajā nav drošas un morāli attaisnojamas ne ES valstīm, ne mūsu starptautiskajiem sabiedrotajiem."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1539152814240309248
.@VDombrovskis: "Pateicoties ES un mūsu sabiedroto saskaņotai rīcībai, Krievija ir pakļauta nopietnam spiedienam. Atgādināšu – sadarbošanās ar Krieviju, investīcijas tajā nav drošas un morāli attaisnojamas ne ES valstīm, ne mūsu starptautiskajiem sabiedrotajiem."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1539147323191832576
🔴 Sākusies Trīs jūru iniciatīvas samita un biznesa foruma otrā diena.
Aicinām tiešraidē sekot vērtīgām diskusijām par reģiona drošību, investīciju piesaisti, mobilitāti, digitālo pāreju un citiem būtiskiem tematiem.
#3SI @3seaseu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1539131571374108674
Today I welcome leaders and our strategic partners to the Presidents’ Panel moderated by @lionelbarber at the Three Seas Summit and Business Forum @3seaseu in Riga! Glad to see everyone joining the panel. (A thread) #3SI #3seaseu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1538943970167996416
Great meeting with @google Vice President of Government Affairs & Public Policy Karan Bhatia in the framework of @3seaseu Business Forum on finding new areas for closer cooperation and best ways to help Latvian companies to discover their export potential. #3SI #3seaseu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1538922708012044288
Današnji vrh pobude Tri morja se zaključuje s kulturnim programom in svečano večerjo, ki jo gosti predsednik Republike Latvije Egils Levits. #3SI
At the Three Seas Summit President Pahor called upon participating EU countries and their Presidents to support the candidate status for Bosnia and Hercegovina at the upcoming European Council. #3SI @prezydentpl
[VIDEO] Poljski predsednik Duda je na novinarski konferenci voditeljev #3SI omenil tudi pobudo predsednika Pahorja, da se BiH podeli status kandidatke in jo podprl. http://youtu.be/AUxroZCS7aQ via @YouTube
Poljski predsednik Duda je na novinarski konferenci voditeljev #3SI omenil tudi pobudo predsednika Pahorja, da se BiH podeli status kandidatke in jo podprl. http://youtu.be/AUxroZCS7aQ via @YouTube (na 36.29) @prezydentpl
RT @KatalinNovakMP: In #Riga at the #3SI forum I had a meeting with 🇸🇮 President @BorutPahor. Both of us strongly support the enlargement of the EU. We also agreed that the path to Europe needs to be opened to Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. On July 15, I am delighted to visit Ljubljana.
✅The #ThreeSeasInitiative's goal (develop transport, energy, green & digital infrastructure connections in #3SI region) are more important than ever, given Russia's aggression in #Ukraine
Multiple EU policies &funds are supporting this goal.
More 📄 http://europa.eu/!prpNXt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1538896523026636802
#ThreeSeasInitiative #3SI #Ukraine
Happy to be on home soil in Riga for @3seaseu Summit 2022.
I fully support the commitment of the #ThreeSeasInitiative to develop closer links with trio of Eastern Partnership & 🇪🇺 Neighborhood countries,especially Ukraine.
This is a very valid strategy.
#3SI #ThreeSeasRiga
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1538845094748508161
#ThreeSeasInitiative #3SI #ThreeSeasRiga
Latvia is a safe country to invest in, with a resilient society, exceptionally diverse economy and motivated people. Thank you all for taking the trip to Riga and I wish you a productive @3seaseu Business Forum! #3seaseu #3SI #ThreeSeasRegion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1538886575962062848
#3seaseu #3SI #ThreeSeasRegion
The Three Seas Initiative Business Forum is starting today. My opening remarks at 15:30. Join live -https://www.facebook.com/events/3245877465689846/?ref=newsfeed
@3seaseu #3SI #ThreeSeasRegion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1538860715796217856
EK priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks @VDombrovskis šodien @3seaseu samitā un biznesa forumā Rīgā:
"Pilnībā atbalstu Trīs jūru iniciatīvas valstu apņemšanos veidot ciešāku sadarbību ar 🇪🇺 kaimiņiem, Austrumu partnerības valstu trio, jo īpaši Ukrainu."
#3SI #ThreeSeasRiga
RT @VDombrovskis: Happy to be on home soil in Riga for @3seaseu Summit 2022.
I fully support the commitment of the #ThreeSeasInitiative to develop closer lin…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1538851338305552386
#3SI #ThreeSeasRiga #ThreeSeasInitiative
Na predsedniškem panelu #3SI v Rigi je PRS Pahor predstavil vsebino pisma, ki ga je v petek poslal predsedniku Evropskega sveta Charlesu Michelu in se v njem zavzel, da bi se Bosni in Hercegovini dodelil status kandidatke za članstvo v Evropski uniji brez pogojev.
[VIDEO] Predsednik Pahor se na povabilo latvijskega predsednika Levitsa udeležuje vrha pobude Tri morja, ki tokrat poteka v Rigi. Pobuda Tri morja je forum 12 držav članic EU, ki so geografsko umeščene v srednji in vzhodni Evropi med Jadranskim, Baltskim in Črnim morjem. #3SI
Predsednik Pahor se na povabilo PR Republike Latvije Egilsa Levitsa udeležuje vrha pobude Tri morja, ki tokrat poteka v Rigi. Pobuda Tri morja je forum 12 držav članic EU, ki so geografsko umeščene v srednji in vzhodni Evropi med Jadranskim, Baltskim in Črnim morjem. #3SI
“The road to Riga”– an event to preview the upcoming Three Seas Summit and Business Forum in Latvia. Join the discussion at 16:30 Riga time. #ACEurope #3SI
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1534526203717197826
Despite the current geopolitical challenges, the Baltics are among the most stable regions for long-term investment. On 8/6, 16:30 Riga time, I will join the discussion on #3SI and economic potential of the region organised by @AtlanticCouncil .
RT @ACEurope: 📅 Wed, June 8, 9:30am ET | We're excited to welcome 🇱🇻 Prime Minister @krisjaniskarins for a fireside conversation on the #ThreeSeas Initiative, followed by a half-day wor…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/krisjaniskarins/status/1534179748838006784