Payment by card: Lviv students will be able to ride city buses for half price
Students who have received LeoCard transport cards can join the testing of non-cash payment for city bus routes. Half-price travel is available on city buses #1A, #3A, #5A, #10, #39, #62.
To join the
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📣📆 #3A #Salvaterra | Manifestación por uns centros de saúde abertos e con profesionais suficientes, tras 14 días sen citas médicas en Salvaterra "solucionados" a costa de desprazar un médico de Mondariz e unha interrupción do servizo de enfermaría.
📌 Praza de Abastos
🕰️ 20:30h
Convoca a Plataforma en Defensa da Sanidade Pública do Condado e Paradanta.
The Sandwich Shoppe at Medic One Pharmacy
1701 Fairway Dr #3a, Alvin, TX 77511, USA
Traffic on Stryiska Street will be restored today from 11:00 am
The rescuers are now taking away special equipment, after which the district administrations will start inspecting the damaged apartments.
Buses #3A and #18 will run as usual along Stryiska Street. Trolleybus No. 2
Media :
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Resources from the #ACH2023 #3a keynote speakers re DH/DS and accessibility:
* Jasmine L. Clark (and Zack Lischer-Katz)'s "(In)accessibility and the technocratic library: Addressing institutional failures in library adoption of emerging technologies"
* M. Remi Yergeau directs the Digital Accessible Futures Lab
#ACH2023's #3a paired keynotes by Jasmine Clark & M. Remi Yergeau = powerful meditations on digital accessibility, racial and disability justice, autism, transness—especially regarding VR, AI;how institutions support+restriction digital scholarship/DH and its practitioners, and how practitioners support other people.
This is the one session that will be shared as a recording afterward—recommend checking it out then if you missed.
#Bordell ❤ Kirchlengern Kiekerei 3a - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Bordelle #Laufhäuser #Kirchlengern #Kiekerei #3a - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#bordell #ladies_de #bordelle #laufhauser #kirchlengern #Kiekerei #3a #sex
Istana cafe 2
Cl. 15a #3A - 29, Los Caobos, Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia
#coffee #cafe
@gdeihl @staidwinnow @ConserveChange no. it was written with that in mind - just like the #3A & #4A were...
#Bordell ❤ Kirchlengern Kiekerei 3a - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Bordelle #Laufhäuser #Kirchlengern #Kiekerei #3a - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#bordell #ladies_de #bordelle #laufhauser #kirchlengern #Kiekerei #3a #sex
📣📆 #3A #Compostela | Concentración en defensa das pensións públicas e contra a súa privatización.
📌 Obradoiro
🕰️ 12h
Convoca a Plataforma de Pensionistas de Compostela.
📣📆 #3A #ARamallosa | Concentración en defensa das pensións públicas e contra a súa privatización.
📌 Capela de San Campio
🕰️ 12h
Convoca @modepen.
I will be very interested by your feedback. I also own a ConBee II to manage 7 devices (#osram, #3a lixee )
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One of the last pre-#ElonMusk #Twitter #executives to leave the #company said he #and the #billionaire exchanged #ideas at #3a.m.
#elonmusk #twitter #executives #company #and #billionaire #ideas #3a
@breadandcircuses #3A, I think, is the idea that the really bad results of climate change - when water scarcity becomes something we go to war over, when coastal cities go under the oceans - are far enough in the future that they can punt it all to be "someone else's future problem" - that they will be dead by the time that's an issue, so why worry about it?
Short-sighted and self-serving? Certainly. But that mindset often gets people into the position of being in bucket #3.