So very tired of modern “pixel art” #VideoGames. Most of the time it’s stolen valor from devs who weren’t even *born* when #3dfx was still riding high with its Voodoo Graphics #GPU cards.
I paid for *all* the dots in this “Retina display.” Use them.
#videogames #3dfx #gpu #gaming #pcgaming
#retrogaming #nintendoswitch #3dfx
#retrogaming #nintendoswitch #3dfx
A Voodoo Banshee I picked up locally a couple years back, for $20!
The Joymedia Apollo 3D Banshee, with 16mb of VRAM
Supports #Glide #Direct3d and #OpenGL
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #3DFX #VoodooBanshee #AGP
#glide #direct3d #opengl #retrocomputing #retrogaming #3dfx #voodoobanshee #agp
New Video! Join me as I repair a particularly stubborn #3dfx Voodoo 3 2000. Mistakes were made, but it was a great learning experience as always 👍
Another #3dfx Voodoo 3 card saved! Was right about it being a vBIOS issue but not the fault I expected! Small solder patch on the broken trace did the trick. Always such a great feeling to see it working for the first time 😁👍
Got a recap, the latest bios and newer EEPROM too
Digital Antiquarian on 3D Graphics History
That excellent blog The Digital Antiquarian has three posts so far in a history of 3D graphics, starting from the likes of Doom and Quake and so far going as far as 3DFX.
Part 1: Three Dimensions In Software (Or, Quake And Its Discontents):
Quake (All images from The Digital
#retro #3d #3dfx #digitalantiquarian #graphics #history #idsoftware #johncarmack #quake #retro #voodoo
#voodoo #quake #johncarmack #idsoftware #history #graphics #digitalantiquarian #3dfx #3d #retro
Et la raison de ce remontage de PC : j'ai retrouvé ma carte 3DFX (Guillemot Maxi Gamer 3D), et ça pourrait être amusant de remettre ça en marche avec les jeux compatibles ou patchés (Quake, Tomb Raider, etc ...) 😁
#retrocomputing #pc #3dfx
#3Dfx Voodoo 1 & 2 #Glide #Linux Driver Retired, Other #XOrg Code Officially Retired
Original tweet :
Back from the Dead: 3dfx's Unreleased Voodoo5 6000 Quad-GPU Card | Gamers Nexus
#3dfx #voodoo #voodoo5 #retro #retrocomputing #retrogaming
Upgrade Your Voodoo with More Memory #Retrocomputing #piggyback #3dfx #vga
#Retrocomputing #piggyback #3dfx #vga
Upgrade Your Voodoo with More Memory - In 1996, the 3Dfx VooDoo VGA chipset changed computer graphics forever. Because of... - #retrocomputing #piggyback #3dfx #vga
#vga #3dfx #piggyback #retrocomputing
#ATI Rage Fury MAXX
這邊說的是 PC 端的鼻祖
雖然早在 1998 年 #3dfx 就推出了 3D 加速卡 #Voodoo 2
並推出了 #SLI 技術使其可在兩張卡串聯的方式下運作
則是1999年的 ATI Rage Fury MAXX
串聯了兩顆 ATI Rage Pro 128 晶片
稱為 #MAXX
這個 MAXX 也被部分人認為是 ATi 以及後續 #AMD #CrossFire 技術的前身
而 3dfx 則是到了 2000 年才推出Voodoo5 5500
3dfx 後續被 #nvidia 收購
不過兩者的 SLI 技術
#ati #3dfx #voodoo #sli #maxx #amd #crossfire #nvidia #Allen講看看 #retro #台灣Vtuber #vtubers #vtuber #taiwan
@josephholsten @fuchsiii @bastetfurry @gpuopen I'd accept that if it was some old.abandonware by a defunct company (i.e. #Linux drivers for #3dfx cards) but not for a product that is beibg advertised to support #Linux and even if it wasn't costs 4 digits MSRP.
We ain't in 2007 anymore where everything but #Intel didn't work and #nvidia was like "here, take this binaryblob!" and #ATi was like "go fuck yourself!" when it comes to #GPU drivers.
#gpu #ati #Nvidia #Intel #3dfx #Linux
Eine #3dfx #voodoo 1. Ist diese Karte für euch etwas besonderes?
#retrocomputing #retrogaming
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #voodoo #3dfx
New video! Today I’ll be repairing two artifacting #3Dfx Voodoo 3 3000 cards belonging to geekenspiel! Join me as I hunt down defective SDRAM chips and enhance these cards to better than new with 5ns memory, a recap and more! 👍