Make Better 3D Printed Molds, For Thermoforming Plastics - Thermoforming — which includes vacuum-forming — has its place in a well-rounded wo... - #3dprinterhacks #thermoforming #vacuumforming #3dprintering #engineering #hightemp #mold #fdm
#fdm #mold #hightemp #engineering #3dprintering #vacuumforming #thermoforming #3dprinterhacks
Replaced a bunch of shit on my 3d printer, and I think all it needed was some fresh dry filament.
PrusaSlicer Now Imports STEP Files, Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal - PrusaSlicer has a new feature: the ability to import a CAD model for 3D printing. ... - #3dprinterhacks #3dprintering #3dprinting #step #cad #stl
#stl #cad #step #3dprinting #3dprintering #3dprinterhacks
I'm T+1:50 hours into printing an "engine benchmark" after solving problems with my 3D touch device, I think that I made my printer to a percision monster😍🤔
#3D #print #3dprinting #3dprinting #3dprinted #3DPrintingTip #3dprintering #3DTouch
#3DTouch #3dprintering #3DPrintingTip #3dprinted #3dprinting #print #3d