Working on a prototype cylindrical #CorsiRosenthalBox air filter. Designed to use about 1/2 (28 pleats) of a MERV-15 replacement filter-pack. When the power comes back on I’ll design and print an adapter for the 12V/2.5A high power fan I got from Jameco for $5. The fan has an optional PWM input to controls the speed. For me this is a 3D crossword puzzle. Fun designing the parts to snap together for testing — gluing later if it works. #Make, #3DPrnting, #AirFilter, #CleanerAir
#corsirosenthalbox #make #3dprnting #airfilter #cleanerair
stuck at work, and I wanted to start the next print on my 3D Printer. Using ZeroTier, I remote into my Octoprint instance and knocked the old print off the bed and on to the floor.
Now I can get started on my next print! #3dprnting
"Des chercheurs marseillais et rennais viennent de réaliser les premières impressions 3D de fibre optique infrarouge." #3dprnting
This is awesome, i'm just speechless...
This guy made a working dhd / #stargate #3dprnting #raspberryPi