Three Good Things
* got some recycling done
* gased up the car that's getting 50+ MPG
* went to a PowWow for the first time in years.
1) With the cold and (!) snow flurries I was glad to not have to choose a destination for today's bike ride. I needed to go to the dentist so I went. I dressed warmly and enjoyed myself.
2) I was able to offload some of my work on my boss as work is going to get really busy really soon.
3) I like my dental office - been going there for 19 years! Checkup was good too!
#ThreeGoodThings #3GoodThing
+ Gelesen
+ Weitergekommen auf der Arbeit
+ Ein bisschen Haushalt gemacht
1) It FINALLY feels like spring is here, and I couldn't be happier. There's always this palpable sense of relief when I make it to spring once more.
2) I have a free day ahead of me, so I'm just figuring out what to do. I'm thinking I'll put a movie on in the background as I take care of some stuff around the house. I dunno. It's just good to know that for the day, I can just *relax.*
3) I'll echo what you said about special people, aye.
1. Watched my daughter's first softball practice. She was thrilled by how much she learned.
2. I have time to finish up the work I set for the day before watching a movie with the husband, while said husband puts the kids to bed.
3. I was invited to be on a panel at the 2023 EFA Conference to talk about being an author and editor, a new topic for me.
#3goodthing #amediting #AmWriting #family
- got an official shoutout for my (students') OER work today at the Scholarship Celebration Event :toot:
- had a very nice chat with a friend about setting up a website for my hobby idea (more soon!)
- squished two bugs in Fetchpoint on my run this evening
Friday the 13th
#3goodthing @3goodthings
- lovely oatmeal for breakfast
- spouse vacuumed
- dreary day but 50 degrees
1. Son home from hospital and recovering well.
2. Date scones
3. The kakabeak that was 9" tall this time last year now looks like a tree.
1. Put in my sabbatical application.
2. Students carving pumpkins in the lounge.
3. Going to bed early.