1) Gummy multivitamins seem to be working well for me. I am consistently taking them daily and no adverse effects to report
2) I finally dropped off an Amazon return at the UPS store after work today
3) I cooked some rather tasty chicken nuggets in the air fryer tonight for dinners
#3GoodThingsToday for this evening
1) I bought a new fern last night. I just watered it and it seems pretty happy
2) Got all my laundry done today so ready for the weekend
3) Got the grocery shopping order, picked up, and put away.
Got a lot of chores done so I can relax and have fun this weekend.
đ„ïž successfully got the work PC setup for WFH for the foreseeable future. I refuse to go back immediately because of the amount of effort it took.
đBath and Body Works had ONE Frosted Cranberry PocketBac left and I was able to snag it. It's my favorite scent from them and I needed more hand sanitizer
đČPaycheck rolled in today so I was able to get the first half of the month's bills paid.
#3goodthings #3GoodThingsToday
đïžCarved out some desk space on what used to be a craft table for WFH. It's nice to not have to use the kitchen table.
đŸTook Howie for a walk to the mail room and back. I think this will become our nightly ritual. We both need the exercise
đȘTook apart an air duct grille and clean it of paint as much as possible to help with air flow in the craft room. I think ultimately I'll need to replace it. But it's a great start!
#3goodthings #3goodthingstoday
LÀnge sedan sist men nu Àr det dags! #trebrasaker
1. Handlade alla inkomna ansökningar om inackorderingsstöd, utan nÄgra bekymmer alls!
2. Snabbt och effektivt möte med budgetberedningen.
3. Snabbt, effektivt och vÀldigt trevligt styrelsemöte.
#admin #politikermÄndag #threegoodthings #3goodthingstoday
Vilka Àr dina bra saker idag?
#3goodthingstoday #threegoodthings #politikermandag #admin #trebrasaker
Good night Mastodon!
đ Baked a decent FranksbrĂžd today
đżFinished watching Good Omens 2
đRelaxing in bed now while watching ASMR videos with the galaxy lamp, the white noise machine set to rain, and the white noise machine lamp set to flame. It's cozy.
3 good things:
1) the dog, who was forecast to live "days to weeks" has now survived 23 subsequent days. He has, apparently, rallied
2) parsnip fries (w/ garlic, rosemary, seasoned salt and evoo) were part of lunch. Yum!
3) fit in a nap this afternoon, AND some time to start reading "project hail Mary" by Andy weir.
#3goodthings #3GoodThingsToday
1 took a really good nap
2 while taking the nap, I let the bread machine do it's thing so I woke up to the apartment smelling of freshly baked bread
3 changing the ac filter went the smoothest it ever has for me. I didn't even fight to get the cover back on the wall.
#3goodthings #3goodthingstoday
1. Had a very good work day, had a lot of fun with a lot of kids and had great talks with the oldest ones :blobcar:
2. Quality time with my gf, I had such a busy work week, tonight we caught up and talked and cuddled đ„°
3. Muis. My cat is always a good thing, every day! :blobcatlove:
Försöker komma ihÄg att posta #trebrasaker lite dÄ och dÄ, dels för att inte framstÄ som enbart grumpy, och dels för att de sakerna naturligtvis ocksÄ finns! SÄ hÄll till godo:
1. God lunch med pappa och syster idag!
2. Dottern har blivit sugen pÄ att lÀsa och vill lÄna bok
3. SO-kollegan har pÄ eget initiativ tagit kontakt och hjÀlper mig i flyttsnurret
#3goodthingstoday #threegoodthings #trebrasaker
Tre bra saker:
1. Sol
2. FĂ„tt sagt det jag vill till avdelningschef
3. Kycklingkebab
#3goodthingstoday #trebrasaker #threegoodthings
Vilken dag! LÀtt att fÄ ihop #trebrasaker
1. Underbart soligt vÀder
2. Har hÄllt öppet pÄ BÀckgatan 14, @vvaxjo s partilokal tillsammans med fina kamrater
3. Ătit ljuvligt god indisk mat tillsammans med dottern.
#3goodthingstoday #threegoodthings #trebrasaker
Dagens #trebrasaker
1. Fika pÄ lokal med kollega efter ett ganska bedrövligt möte.
2. Genomförde ordförandeskapet pÄ Ärsmötet med hög röst tack vare magstöd och med applÄd pÄ slutet
3. Solen. Alltid solen!
#3goodthingstoday #threegoodthings #trebrasaker
#3goodthingstoday #trebrasaker
*Fredag = helg
*Kört ivÀg saker till ErikshjÀlpen och Ätervinningen
*Hittade gott naturvin mha partikamrat som jag trÀffade pÄ bolaget.
#trebrasaker #3goodthingstoday
Just det ja, dagens tre!
1. Kortdag, flexledig eftermiddag
2. Ena svÀrdottern fixar födelsedagsblomma till pappa
3. Tupplur pÄ soffan efter lunch
#3goodthingstoday #trebrasaker #threegoodthings
SÄhÀr pÄ söndagskvÀllen Àr det dags igen:
1. Lagade en förvÄnansvÀrt god kycklinggryta.
2. Orkade dammtorka och dammsuga bÄde vardagsrum och sovrum.
3. Fick överta dotterns MEGASTORA tv eftersom hon flyttar ihop med pojkvÀnnen snart.
#trebrasaker #3goodthingstoday
@rupertcutler @wanderingtrek @feditips
Oh, #3GoodThings and #3GoodThingsToday are great ones! They won't fit to edit them in on my previous posts. But they add a lot of positivity to the day, and are a great suggestion.
I would also add #HootinTootinTuesday to the list, for some funny memes and jokes every week.
#3goodthings #3goodthingstoday #hootintootintuesday
Tre bra saker idag:
1. Jag vaknade kl 8 istÀllet för kl 7
2. Jag körde 30 mil för att vara med familjen.
3. Jag blev serverad god middag nÀr jag var framme.
#3goodthingstoday #3goodthings #trebrasaker
1. Bra samtal med tvÄ olika vÀnner
2. En författare jag beundrar boostade ett inlÀgg av mig
3. Lyssnade pÄ mycket Wolf Alice
#3goodthings #3goodthingstoday #trebrasaker
Jag hÀnger pÄ. Tre bra saker idag:
1. Jag vaknade utan feber.
2. Jag har Àtit frukost lunch och middag.
3. Jag har badat đ
#3goodthings #3goodthingstoday #trebrasaker