@MeidasRomi YES, THERE ARE THINGS THAT JUSTIFY NOT ONLY AN AR-15, but a belt-fed M-16 in civilian possession...
Look at the #TransGenocide and the #facist #ProduBoys and #3Percenter #militas threatening #LGBTQIA* people for solely existing.
Your denial of that case shows that you're a privilegued person who never had to learn that the police is not your friend.
#LGBTQIA #militas #3percenter #produboys #facist #transgenocide
@Wolven No.
Some beyond-#StochasticTerrorist from a designated #TerroristOrganization [#ProudBoys, #3Percenter] would've already flatlined him, claimed "mutual defense" and would've been aquitted as innocent like that white POS #Rittenhouse was despite committing several felonies.
#Amerikkka is only enforcing it's laws if it's politically desireable for opression, not because people should be equal before the law.
#amerikkka #rittenhouse #3percenter #proudboys #terroristorganization #stochasticterrorist
Second #terrorist involved in plot to kidnap a U.S. governor given 19 years in prison. Prison = deterrence #domesticterrorism #militia #3percenter
#3percenter #militia #domesticterrorism #terrorist