80.000 Euro für den #Tierschutz in der #Forschung: Die #DFG schreibt erneut den Ursula M. Händel-#Tierschutzpreis aus - für Wissenschaftler:innen, die sich für den Einsatz des #3R-Konzepts besonders engagieren. Das Geld soll folgende Projekte dieser Art unterstützen. Hier bewerben ➡️
#tierschutz #forschung #dfg #tierschutzpreis #3r
@hormiga tengo miles!! pero vamos a una hace 28 años, es mi cumple de 6 y mi abuelo me regala su última/mi primer radio! y con auriculares :cwy: .. diciéndome: bienvenida a la música.. no entendía nada, hasta que encendí ese aparato y entendí todo.
Viajar es el bien
* otra vez las etiquetas, me cago en todo lo meneable *
#entrevistasmastodon #claraclayton #envivo #3r
Commission rules against setting time limit on phasing out animal testing in research
Generally good news, w fair point abt more training on alternatives: when talking to ppl abt using fish,they often lacked a sense of when animal models are appropriate #3R
We offer rust-resistant System 3R EDM tooling at Maxx Tooling. We are here to provide our customers with information about advanced manufacturing processes and needs. Our products are tailored to meet your needs.
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We offer rust-resistant System 3R EDM tooling at Maxx Tooling. We are here to provide our customers with information about advanced manufacturing processes and needs. Our products are tailored to meet your needs.
https://maxxtooling.com/collections/maxxmacro #3R Tooling #System 3R Mini #3R System
Following the global trend, India also passes amendment to remove #animals from drug-trials and places a stronger emphasis on the ethical treatment of animals during trials
#3R #drugdevelopment
Following the global trend, India also passes amendment to remove #animals from drug-trials and places a stronger emphasis on the ethical treatment of animals during trials
Gens de Trois-Rivières, assistez à une pièce de théâtre bien québécoise (mais avec des personnages italiens).
RT @FrenchCenter3R@twitter.com
La newsletter du GIS FC3R vient de paraître !
Pour recevoir nos actualités #3R tous les deux mois, abonnez-vous : https://www.fc3r.com/inscription-newsletter.php
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FrenchCenter3R/status/1617805534064939008
#Neuralink, one of the companies of #ElonMusk, is working on a #brainImplant, to cure neurological diseases. The #animalTesting conducted have now led to a legal investigation in the US. According to reports, the animals were not treated properly and so far around 1500 animals, including sheep, pigs and primates, have been killed in the experiments:
#neuralink #elonmusk #brainimplant #animaltesting #3r #bci #animalwelfare
#Neuralink, eine der Firmen von #ElonMusk, arbeitet an der Entwicklung eines #Hirnimplantats, das neurologische Erkrankungen heilen soll. Die durchgeführten #Tierversuche führten nun zu einer gerichtlichen Untersuchung in den USA. Berichten zufolge wurden die Tiere nicht ordnungsgemäß behandelt und bisher um die 1500 Tiere, darunter Schafe, Schweine und Primaten, bei den Untersuchungen getötet:
#bci #3r #tierversuche #hirnimplantats #elonmusk #neuralink
Hi all! Thought I’d check out Mastodon in case #twitter implodes. I am a #animalbehavior and #animalwelfare scientist. Current a #3R scientist for biomedical research animals. My research focuses on #animalpersonality #socialbehavior #behavioralmanagment #humananimalinteractions
#twitter #animalbehavior #AnimalWelfare #3r #AnimalPersonality #socialbehavior #behavioralmanagment #humananimalinteractions
Maxtooling is the best Erowa Tooling Store that provides you with high tech tooling to fulfill your modern machinery needs. We have a wide range of tooling products that are best to fit in your machines. Choose the best for yourself by visiting our website. https://maxxtooling.com/collections/erowa-compatible #Erowa Tooling #Erowa System #Erowa Compatible #3R Erowa System #EDM Tooling
RT @FODeuxSevres@twitter.com
Dans le TGV pour Paris pour défendre les #Retraites et combattre le projet de réforme Delevoye/Macron ! #21Septembre #3R
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FODeuxSevres/status/1175337820208193536