This was a super fun coding challenge! Drive the line, turn, drive enough and launch 3 balls in a row! #CodingIsFun! #3rdGrade #STEM 🤪
Talk to enough teachers about what should go in a classroom library and they’ll give you the polite, boilerplate response about the “classics”—Seuss, White, Spinelli, Konigsburg, etc…
But truth be told, especially at the #3rdgrade level, *this* is the kind of book the kids REALLY want to read!
After roughhousing with my son and the 60lb Boxer: "Daddy, you have a hole in your pants bottom." Just great... wait... "That's called a buttonhole. It's supposed to be there to keep your wallet secure." #parenting #3rdgrade #Boxer #boxerlife
#parenting #3rdgrade #boxer #boxerlife
That moment when you know you've raised them well: Your 3rd grader's shouted Madlib for "Celebrity" is "Albert Einstein!!!" #parenting #science #3rdgrade