#3Things #FosterDogs #AdoptDontShop
1. Our foster, Wendell is heading to his new home tomorrow (photo in reply. There's a family for every dog.
2. My wife just got a promotion!
3. We heat with wood pellets, and I still have at least 4 tons (200 40-pound bags) left and it's nearly March.
#3things #fosterdogs #adoptdontshop
#3Things going on with me today
1. Felt like huevos rancheros this morning but didn’t want to make an omelette so I scrambled it. Turned out very yummy 😋 🍳
2. Been playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and have been getting way too much satisfaction from force pushing stormtroopers off cliffs. 😈 #gaming
3. Made my first story #submission of the year for a #flashfiction date night gone wrong contest. I titled my story Demon in a Tea Pot. Was fun to participate. :BlobfoxMelt:
#3things #gaming #submission #flashfiction
What #3things are you grateful for today? I'm grateful for this great #giveaway from @eclecticevelyn@twitter.com #WelcomeWinterHop https://wn.nr/hmzNM9
#welcomewinterhop #giveaway #3things