An #introduction by way of as many hashtags as appropriate: #artist through education, #author who is #writing. #music degree, #bowie fan, #ps5 enthusiast, #fanedits and video editing, #cardgame and #boardgame designer.
All #art, #books, #video, #fanedit, #music, #story and #comics can be found at
I wrote a #novel about the effect of #DavidBowie on a time traveller. Then a #scifi #spaceopera novel about a band of women mercenaries fighting psychic vampires. Then I wrote a novel about either #autism or an android getting certified as human.
Currently writing a #TTRPG for no good reason, other than I have it in my mind ever since the ‘incident’. Watching a lot of #action, #martialart, and #anime as resource. Also building a mass of reference material for a #fantasy novel.
Learning #piano, but no longer #composing. That is all in
Playing a lot of #PS5, finally getting to grips with #CallOfDuty #MW2. Replaying #TheLastOfUs and #Uncharted periodically.
#LastExile #GhostInTheShell #TwinPeaks
The Grand Budapest Hotel by #WesAnderson
Only Lovers Left Alive by #JimJarmusch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by #BenStiller
#FightClub by David Fincher
#Bladerunner 2049 by #DenisVilleniueve
#RaidersoftheLostArk by #StevenSpielberg
Chappie by #NeilBlomkamp
#JohnWick: Parabellum by #ChadStahelski
#Serenity by Joss Whedon
#introduction #artist #author #writing #music #bowie #ps5 #fanedits #cardgame #boardgame #art #books #video #fanedit #story #comics #novel #davidbowie #scifi #spaceopera #autism #ttrpg #action #martialart #anime #fantasy #piano #composing #callofduty #mw2 #thelastofus #uncharted #3tvseries #lastexile #ghostintheshell #twinpeaks #9films #WesAnderson #jimjarmusch #benstiller #fightclub #bladerunner #denisvilleniueve #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #neilblomkamp #johnwick #chadstahelski #serenity
A new #introduction because Mastodon-Time is different from Bird-Time.
By way of as many hashtags as appropriate: #artist through education, #author who is #writing. #music degree, #bowie fan, #ps5 enthusiast, #fanedits and video editing, #cardgame and #boardgame designer.
All #art, #books, #video, #fanedit, #music, #story and #comics can be found at
I wrote a #novel about the effect of #DavidBowie on a time traveller. Then a #scifi #spaceopera novel about a band of women mercenaries fighting psychic vampires. Then I wrote a novel about either #autism or an android getting certified as human. Details found at
Currently writing a #TTRPG for no good reason, other than I have it in my mind ever since the ‘incident’. Watching a lot of #action, #martialart, and #anime as resource. Also building a mass of reference material for a #fantasy novel.
Learning #piano, but no longer #composing. That is all in
Playing a lot of #PS5, finally getting to grips with #CallOfDuty #MW2. Replaying #TheLastOfUs and #Uncharted periodically.
#LastExile #GhostInTheShell #TwinPeaks
The Grand Budapest Hotel by #WesAnderson
Only Lovers Left Alive by #JimJarmusch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller
#FightClub by David Fincher
#Bladerunner 2049 by #DenisVilleniueve
#RaidersoftheLostArk by #StevenSpielberg
Chappie by #NeilBlomkamp
#JohnWick: Parabellum by Chad Stahelski
#Serenity by Joss Whedon
#introduction #artist #author #writing #music #bowie #ps5 #fanedits #cardgame #boardgame #art #books #video #fanedit #story #comics #novel #davidbowie #scifi #spaceopera #autism #ttrpg #action #martialart #anime #fantasy #piano #composing #callofduty #mw2 #thelastofus #uncharted #3tvseries #lastexile #ghostintheshell #twinpeaks #9films #WesAnderson #jimjarmusch #fightclub #bladerunner #denisvilleniueve #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #neilblomkamp #johnwick #serenity
#3tvseries for the Elven-kings under the sky…
1. Last Exile
2. Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
3. Twin Peaks
#3tvseries for the Elven-kings under the sky,
#7books for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
#9films for Mortal Men, doomed to die,
#1extraspecial for the Dark Lord on his dark throne.
#3tvseries #7books #9films #1extraspecial