C.R.E.A.M is just one component of 400+1’s ongoing efforts to build an alternative, solidarity economy through which revolution can be funded; an institution that further frees communities of color from reliance on the capitalist economy. Folx selected for C.R.E.A.M. during this stage will serve on a steering committee as core leadership of the organization. That steering committee will help members of Indigenous, Pan-Asian, and Latinx communities establish economic justice initiatives that grow the capacities of individual members of said communities to engage the struggle for the liberation of colonized people. 400+1 will host an orientation and retreat for new C.R.E.A.M. members from Saturday, September 4th until Monday, September 6th at its housing cooperative in Houston, Texas. We have a few spaces still available, so folx interested in attending should contact us at info@fourhundredandone.com for more information.
C.R.E.A.M is just one component of 400+1’s ongoing efforts to build an alternative, solidarity economy through which revolution can be funded; an institution that further frees communities of color from reliance on the capitalist economy. Folx selected for C.R.E.A.M. during this stage will serve on a steering committee as core leadership of the organization. That steering committee will help members of Indigenous, Pan-Asian, and Latinx communities establish economic justice initiatives that grow the capacities of individual members of said communities to engage the struggle for the liberation of colonized people. 400+1 will host an orientation and retreat for new C.R.E.A.M. members from Saturday, September 4th until Monday, September 6th at its housing cooperative in Houston, Texas. We have a few spaces still available, so folx interested in attending should contact us at info@fourhundredandone.com for more information.
[Taken from the #400and1 Newsletter: ]
400+1 is extremely excited to announce the launch of C.R.E.A.M (Capitalism Ruins Everything Around Me)
C.R.E.A.M. is a membership organization positioned within 400+1’s constellation of L4 organizations. The objective of C.R.E.A.M is to leverage cooperative industry to build economic power and solidarity among colonized people in partnership with 400+1’s L3 communities. C.R.E.A.M. initiatives are part cooperative businesses of which members are owners and part political education programs that raise the consciousness of the masses. These cooperatives are kickstarted with contributions from the 400+1 federation and members are enrolled in an extensive political education program that informs their grassroots outreach.
[Taken from the #400and1 Newsletter: ]
400+1 is extremely excited to announce the launch of C.R.E.A.M (Capitalism Ruins Everything Around Me)
C.R.E.A.M. is a membership organization positioned within 400+1’s constellation of L4 organizations. The objective of C.R.E.A.M is to leverage cooperative industry to build economic power and solidarity among colonized people in partnership with 400+1’s L3 communities. C.R.E.A.M. initiatives are part cooperative businesses of which members are owners and part political education programs that raise the consciousness of the masses. These cooperatives are kickstarted with contributions from the 400+1 federation and members are enrolled in an extensive political education program that informs their grassroots outreach.
C.R.E.A.M. ist mir kürzlich 2 mal begegnet:
1. Bei #dieUrbane :
Die es mit diesem Zitat einordenen:
"Cash, Rules, Everything, Around, Me
Get the money
Dollar, dollar bill y'all"
Wu Tang Clan
2. bei #400and1, die es als C.R.E.A.M (Capitalism Ruins Everything Around Me) bezeichnen.
Ich hab keine guten Link nur den direkt auf die Homepage:
...kann aber ja im Folgenden mal aus dem 400+1 Newsletter zitieren:
C.R.E.A.M. ist mir kürzlich 2 mal begegnet:
1. Bei #dieUrbane :
Die es mit diesem Zitat einordenen:
"Cash, Rules, Everything, Around, Me
Get the money
Dollar, dollar bill y'all"
Wu Tang Clan
2. bei #400and1, die es als C.R.E.A.M (Capitalism Ruins Everything Around Me) bezeichnen.
Ich hab keine guten Link nur den direkt auf die Homepage:
...kann aber ja im Folgenden mal aus dem 400+1 Newsletter zitieren:
It also prioritizes pleasure and sex as integral to reproductive health. 400+1 believes that Black bodies, Black babies, and Black wombs aren’t safe from assaults by the state until care and services for each are available outside of for profit and state funded institutions. While we’re a long way from that future, we know that every change begins with a catalyst.
Our repro pop-ups are opportunities for Black folx to learn about repro revolution as a framework, to access reproductive health care products, and to grow their capacity for reproductive autonomy. Watching Jordan Walton’s mother navigate her grief, makes it crystal clear that #JusticeforJordan has always been a reproductive rallying cry. We want to be sure we’re making the intersections explicit.
Don’t forget to pull up to Jordan’s Place this Saturday at 7:30 pm for dinner and demonstration. As always, reparations will be distributed to all Black participants.
Posted on 2021-08-26 16:40 UTC.
It also prioritizes pleasure and sex as integral to reproductive health. 400+1 believes that Black bodies, Black babies, and Black wombs aren’t safe from assaults by the state until care and services for each are available outside of for profit and state funded institutions. While we’re a long way from that future, we know that every change begins with a catalyst.
Our repro pop-ups are opportunities for Black folx to learn about repro revolution as a framework, to access reproductive health care products, and to grow their capacity for reproductive autonomy. Watching Jordan Walton’s mother navigate her grief, makes it crystal clear that #JusticeforJordan has always been a reproductive rallying cry. We want to be sure we’re making the intersections explicit.
Don’t forget to pull up to Jordan’s Place this Saturday at 7:30 pm for dinner and demonstration. As always, reparations will be distributed to all Black participants.
Posted on 2021-08-26 16:40 UTC.
Why would I want this? Here is an Example:
I think #400and1 does a lot of good things, I would like to keep up to date with (and maybe also boost / talk about...).
But the seem to post manly on #instagram, which is ok, I just don't go check there often. ( #biblogram: https://bibliogram.art/u/400and1 ).
If I could have those insta posts as toots, that would be nice!
#biblogram #instagram #400and1
Why would I want this? Here is an Example:
I think #400and1 does a lot of good things, I would like to keep up to date with (and maybe also boost / talk about...).
But the seem to post manly on #instagram, which is ok, I just don't go check there often. ( #biblogram: https://bibliogram.art/u/400and1 ).
If I could have those insta posts as toots, that would be nice!
#biblogram #instagram #400and1
Ergänzend, ebenfalls aus dem Podcast bzw. meiner Erinnerung: sie bitten auch die Gentrifier, die in #OrishaLand leben, entweder #reparations zu zahlen oder eben wieder weg zu ziehen.
#400and1 #reparations #OrishaLand
Ich hab mich auch lange konsequent von #Instagram fern gehalten, eben weil ich diese böse Plattform nicht unterstützen will.
Mittlerweile habe ich aber doch die Möglichkeit, es zu nutzen und in der Abwägung denke ich, dass es ein Gewinn für mich ist: ich bekomme Perspektiven und Informationen, die ich sonnst nicht hätte.
In dem Thread hab ich das schonmal angedeutet:
Beispiele, was ich nur via insta erfahren habe: #WhyWeMatter , #dieBesteInstanz ...
Was ich auf anderem Weg ( oft: #MadeInGermanyPodcast !) entdeckt habe, aber nun via insta konsumieren kann: #TarekBaé / #itidal , #EsraKarakaya / #KarakayaTalks , #dieUrbane , #MaxCzollek , #400and1 , #theAllyShip , #NatashaAKelly , #TupokaOgette ....
Für mich hat es sich wirklich sehr gelohnt, eine Insta-Account zum lesen zu haben.
(Ggf. Idee: eventuell kann mensch einen bestehenden Account mitbenutzen? -> keine eigenen Daten aktiv hergeben, den Algorithmus verwirren... )
#TupokaOgette #NatashaAKelly #theallyship #400and1 #MaxCzollek #dieUrbane #KarakayaTalkS #EsraKarakaya #itidal #TarekBaé #MadeInGermanyPodcast #diebesteinstanz #WhyWeMatter #instagram
Das Konzept von #theallyship klingt für mich sinnvoll:
weiße Allys unterstützen direkt die Selbstermächtigung/Befreiung Schwarzer Menschen durch Schwarze Revolutionär*innen (in diesem Fall #400and1 - die Macher von #OrishaLand).
Unter anderem durch #Reparationszahlungen von 20 $ / Monat.
#Reparationszahlungen #OrishaLand #400and1 #theallyship
@tommy es gab was dazu, ja, aber ein bisschen vage: der non-profit-industrial complex hat ein schlechtes Gewissen(?), darum ist es möglich daraus funding zu ziehen und für die eigenen Zwecke einzusetzen.
Außerdem - weiß nicht ob das auch im podcast war - gibt es eine Ally-Organisation: #theallyship: https://www.theallyship.org/navigate
Weiße Allys zahlen #Reperationen, 19 $ im Monat. So können jeweils 33 Allys eine Schwarze Revolutionärin finanzieren.
#400and1 #Reperationen #theallyship
Was ich über #400and1 gelernt hab, hab ich aus diesem #Podcast:
1 Stunde, auf Englisch.
#MillennialsAreKillingCapitalism #Podcast #400and1
Was mich an #400and1 so fasziniert ist dass sie so konkret an der #Revolution arbeiten. ...und ganz konkrete Angebote machen, daran mitzuarbeiten, in "Vollzeit". Mit festegelegten Abläufen und Prozessen ( Bewerben, Theorie-Monate, Praxis-Monate, Platz zugewiesen bekommen...) .
Ich hab von sowas vorher nie gehört kann aber einfach an meiner #Bürgerlichkeit usw. liegen. Gibt es sowas - konkret an der Revolution arbeiten; in Vollzeit ("divest from capitalism, invest in revolution!") auch anderswo?
#OrishaLand #Bürgerlichkeit #Revolution #400and1
Also ich hab mir den #Podcast zu #400and1 und #OrishaLand nun angehört und viele Gedanken - hier ist einer: wenn ich marginalisiert lebte und dann kämen gut organisiert Leute und erklären meinen Kiez zur autonomen Zone unter ihrer Verwaltung; Und die gehen von Haus zu Haus und bringen Essen und was gebraucht wird. Und sie sagen mir: du kannst bei uns mitmachen, wir sorgen für dich (sustain you) . Das würde große Möglichkeiten eröffnen. Z.B. könnte ich sofort aufhören, Miete zu bezahlen. Und andere Rechnungen (divest from capitalism).
Weiter Gedanke: Das mit dem L1, L2, L3- collective muss ich mir nochmal genauer anschauen, hab ich noch nicht verstamden....
Until recently I had never heard of #Vanguardism - I came across that term when I heard about #OrishaLand.
Heres the definition from #400and1 400 s page
https://www.fourhundredandone.com/so/ebNUVWIan#/main :
Vanguardism is a strategy that has been successfully leveraged by revolutionaries, historically. A vanguard party is a collective that is organized hierarchically. Its job is to seize power on behalf of the masses in order to establish a socialist state. (A socialist state is an organized collective that distributes resources equitably and universally.)
And this is wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanguardism
#400and1 #OrishaLand #Vanguardism