my article for Metro Silicon Valley about legendary tattoo artist Pinky Yun. He spent the latter half of his career here in San Jose. It’s been a fun one to work on! Look for it this coming Wednesday πŸ–€πŸ™πŸ»

#amwriting #sanjose #pinkyyun #tattoos #tattoo408 #writingcommunity #journalism #sfba #408creates

Last updated 2 years ago

zeruch · @zeruch
320 followers · 3820 posts · Server

in the studio, a mess of paint that is coming together weirdly well, but still not visually balanced the way I would want. To cap it off this is painted on top of the glass that covers some print art that was using an office space in the early 90s that's faded and damaged. It was just an interesting surface to start working on and here's where we are so far.

#workinprogress #abstract #art #408creates

Last updated 2 years ago