Message pour #wargamer #40k
Pour les besoins d’un rapport de bataille sur Septembre j’aurais besoin de décor peints (les miens seront prêt pour octobre).
Est ce que quelqu’un sur #Rennes pourrait me prêter ou louer des décors pour 1 journée ?
Style de décor recherché : ville SF en ruine ou ville contaminée
#wargame #help #warhammer40k
Par avance merci à tous pour vos éventuels réponses et/ou partage 🙏🏻
#Wargamer #40K #rennes #wargame #help #warhammer40k
Reposting pics of my minis because I can :3
Starting with a couple of ork boyz.
I bought them used and they were equipped with two slugga pistols, so I kitbashed and improvised some choppas. c:
🚀 Lancement officiel de l’univers Warhammer 40.000 dans le studio.
Retrouvez nos WIP du moment.
Nous partagerons durant le mois en live, story et photo nos armées, pour voir l’évolution en peinture.
Le 1er rapport de bataille est prévu prochainement. Nous vous tiendrons informé 😏
Bonjour à tous 👋
Nous avons le plaisir de commencer l’aventure dans l’univers de Warhammer 40.000 sur la chaîne AntreJeux Studio avec un choix des armes !
Si tu veux te motiver ou tous simplement peindre en notre compagnie rejoins nous ce soir à 21h sur notre chaîne Twitch AntreJeux Studio !!!
À bientôt
Twitch :
#wargame #warhammer40k #40k
#warhammer #40K #BlackTemplars Primaris Crusader Squad built. Just waiting for the primer and other paints to arrive.
#blacktemplars #40K #warhammer
The #TTRPG and #WarGaming space is meh right now and it can be so so much better. Closed licensed games dominate the scene in both hobbies. Neither D&D or 40k have open-source books or an open-source culture.
Let's paint a scenario for tabletop RPGs and wargames:
There's a new edition to your favorite TTRPG, but the people who make it don't make books--they make open-source documents that you can download and take to your local gaming store which has a book printing and binding section. You go in, take the document to them, they print it out for you and cut it correctly.
And then there's a whole book-binding section full of materials, paints, artwork, patches, decorations, etc that you can use to create *your own* binding for the book. You bind it yourself or with the help of the store's staff and go home with a completely custom, hand-made book.
Now you want to play your favorite wargame. The book situation is the same, but no one needs hardcover wargame books, you just need your datasheets and relevant rules for your army and you can print those fine at home. What you need, though, are miniatures.
You download STL files for your army. You only need a select few for the minis you need, so you put those on a thumb drive and head to your local gaming store, which has a section for resin 3d printing. This kind of printing needs some knowledge and know-how, but you don't need to worry, because someone on staff knows how to do it all--you just hand them your thumb drive and they'll email you when they're done printing and ready to paint. They even give you an ETA, so you head home knowing when to head back.
You get back to the store and they charge you for the resin used and probably some flat fee. After the transaction is complete, your 2000 point army is handed over to you, ready to paint, for $100.
This is where these hobbies should end up going. Decentralized printing processes, for books and miniatures. Local gaming stores being the hub of your gaming community, all driven by an open culture from the game developers and community members.
I would love for this to be the reality in the near future. Let's get there.
#ttrpg #wargaming #gaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #dnd #warhammer #40K
Painted up a Storm Giant Captain. Still needs a few finishing touches, but I’m pleased how he’s coming together.
#minipainting #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #40K
#40K #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #minipainting
I can't be the only one who thought an account named "Slaanesh" was at least a mild red flag to begin with. Like, edgy #Warhammer #40k fandom... lust demon... not immediate dealbreakers, but certainly enough to make me raise an eyebrow.
First time using gloss varnish and enamel wash. Loving how it came out. #minipainting #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #40K
#40K #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #minipainting
Okay I normally stick my tongue out at a lot of #40k lore but Ghazghkull wanting to kill Angron in revenge for his favourite enemy Commisar Yarrick is top tier storytelling
@KcoQuidam Je serais preneur de ton regard sur le jdr Rogue Trader, de la gamme #40k, qui, au-delà de permettre de rassembler un groupe de joueureuses hétéroclites n'étant pas nécessairement tous humain(e)s, offre la liberté de s'affranchir du carcan impérial.
Partir aux confins de l'univers connu, (re)découvrir des mondes et des civilisations diverses, pouvoir faire de la diplomatie, du commerce ou autre en fonction des opportunités qui se présentent sans crainte d'un potentiel jugement.
En juillet, Games Workshop lancera l'appli VOD Warhammer Plus. Onze séries sont annoncées, dont la suite d'Astartes, qui avait commencé comme un projet personnel indépendant. #Warhammer #AoS #40k
Sous-couchage du jour :
- 3 supressors primaris
- 3 eliminators primaris
- 10 infiltrators primaris
- 3 outriders primaris
- 1 lieutenant primaris en armure phobos
- 1 bunker hammerfall
#figurines #warhammer #40k #conquest
#figurines #warhammer #40K #Conquest
Sous-couchage d'hier aprem :
- 2 réacteurs hémotropes
- 1 cheminée d'alchomite
- 20 cultistes du chaos
- 1 drone fétide
- 1 seigneur de la contagion
- Typhus
#figurines #warhammer #40k #conquest
#figurines #warhammer #40K #Conquest
J'ai des grappes (entières ou restes) de #figurines #warhammer #40k (notamment reçus dans la collection Conquest entre autres) que je ne compte pas utiliser. Je suis preneur de conseils pour leur revente si des mastonautes ont de l'expérience là-dessus. (je pense notamment à toi @DarvenDissek)