0 followers · 1103 posts · Server mastodon.social

3.1.23 continues to keep me in isolation, withhold income, contract payout, multiple inheritences, education credentials, redacted files, non-classified files, healthcare, dentalcare, mental healthcare, access to the internet, full access to news and current events, access to comms, communication with friends and loved ones, access to justice or representation, access to freedom of movement. No @icij @AP @CNN @un @hrw This has gone on all my

#46admin #torture #accountability #life #pandorasbox

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1102 posts · Server mastodon.social

3.1.23 America continues to run counterinsurgency ops against while allowing to . The current admin arms, funds, propogandizes as as they eradicate vulnerable populations on multiple fronts . Scapegoating remains the only action taken on the matter. As continues to escalate violence & remain under attack. All Western leadership @icij @un @hrw @AP

#black #american #civilians #insurgency #thrive #nazis #heroes #globally #victims #46admin #war #humanrights #complicit #pandorasbox

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 944 posts · Server mastodon.social

Why is it possible to pass antisemitism legislation, anti Asian hate legislation, protections for the lgbtq community and other populations, but NOTHING EVER for anti-Black racism? Obviously we are the most targeted and marginalized. is the biggest hypocrisy in the history of the U.S. is not only committing but operating a @icij @AP @hrw @un for whom?

#dnc #liars #manipulators #abusers #46admin #ethniccleansing #holocaust #unwomen #liberty

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

"There's nothing wrong with you think that because society conditioned you to beleive it" 1980, middle of the mandated school day. I was 5 years old in mandated kindergarten. "You're lucky, at least he's sexy" teachers told me. "I'll take him if you don't want him" I was told daily. These are the "superior, very good, great, very fine, stable geniuses" of THE WEST that #45 & protect as if they are . @icij @hrw @un Deviants create only deviance.

#pedophilia #donaldrumsfeld #46admin #gold #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

wasn't elected to escalate war and suppress inalienable . Yet that will forever be the legacy.

#46admin #rights #shitstain #joebiden #kamalaharris #dnc #demanded #better #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

The has pushed out more than any other admin, including #45. But we're supposed to accept it because the propagandists say so. smh

#46admin #propaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server mastodon.social

@icij @hrw "I'm not allowed to talk to you" I said as any 5 year old would to a grown man "looking" to catch them alone. "You can make your own choices" he said. Never has he ever respected any . He then began talking to me about , that's when walked up & began yelling at him. THAT is ! A man so devoid of that even GHW & DR thought he was disgusting. THE WEST is doomed @icij @hrw Thank

#law #orgies #donaldrumsfeld #potus #human #nature #46admin #unwomen #unitednations #lolitaexpress #epsteinisland

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 513 posts · Server mastodon.social

No one who preys on children belongs near public trust. Anyone protecting them deserves the same punishment. @icij @hrw

#pandorasbox #pandora #metoo #lolitaexpress #epsteinisland #45admin #46admin #compromised #unitednations

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 513 posts · Server mastodon.social

2.19.23 America continues to run counter insurgency operations against Black civilians and marginalized populations conducting with impunity while scapegoating targets. ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP IS COMPLICIT. As mass suffering, death, continues daily, continues to victims as threats. Every aspect of the industrial military complex and all of U.S. infrastructure weaponized against targets with no protections @icij @hrw

#ethniccleansing #torture #46admin #propagandize #humanrights #unitednations #ap

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 513 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cnn If she were abused she couldn't possibly, but she wasn't. It was the who abused her.
She came home from prison in Russia better off than multiples of millions of American citizens on U.S. soil, many of whom served this nation.

#46admin #tell

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 513 posts · Server mastodon.social

@cnn The pushes everyone to this place, why complain now? Same tactics ran his entire career. THIS IS HIS . I was forced to watch him engineer it, listen to the details of his evil strategies. "Your job as my mistress is to make me happy so I can do my job" he told from the age of 5 when he started torturing me in that manner. No one running his ops can be trusted. @icij @hrw @mstdn.foxfam.club

#46admin #donaldrumsfeld #agenda #ap #pandorabox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 513 posts · Server mastodon.social

The #46 admin has deployed more abuses against than any other admin in U.S. history. The loss of is staggeringly . All it took to gain compliance under a non democratic occupation was bribery in most cases.

I grew up watching develop and deploy these tactics. The and can't claim innocent. I knew as a child since 1979. What have they been doing all these decades? even worse.

#civilians #humanrights #fascist #rumsfeld #46admin #dnc #gop

Last updated 2 years ago