Just remember the next time someone is going goo goo Illinois is a blue state:
Senator Dick Durbin (D) & Rep Jan Schakowski (D) endorsed racist liar Kim Walz that not only ran the dirtiest campaign but held hands and bank accounts with the real estate industry and the Chicago Police Union (yeah the one with the Trumper/Nazi leader).
#46thward #chicago #runoffelection
Yay, 100% in, Angela Clay toasted racist liar Kim Walz
55.8% to 44.2%
Congratulations Angela Clay
46th Ward of Chicago Alderwoman elect
#46thward #chicago #runoffelection
Alan Mills of the Uptown Peoples Law Center:
"The 46th Ward [aldermanic race] is really simple. If you think more real estate speculators and police are what the City needs, vote for Kim [Walz]. If you think teachers, social workers, and affordable housing is more important, then vote for Angela [Clay]"
Angela Clay interview on WGN.
Clay has BY FAR been the most effective campaigner in this recent election. If she runs her alderman office the same way she's run her campaign, she'll be punching above her weight compared to the other aldermen.
Solid Kim Walz interview on WGN earlier this week.
This unholy alliance will fight tooth and nail with every dirty trick necessary to elect Kim Walz, this is Chicago folks.
If I thought there was a chance for otherwise, I'd be posting and blogging like a maniac.
I'd love to be wrong, and I certainly intend to vote for Angela Clay, but yeah I have lost all hope and faith in the colonizer political system.
I think Sen. Durbin, Rep. Schakowsky etc. are gonna get their way and Kim Walz will be elected.
The Democratic Party doesn't work for average people and hasn't for a long time (ever?).
#Chicago #46thWard #Election
It's done, Clay and Walz are going to a runoff. Now enough white people, the Democratic Party and the real estate industry will coalesce behind white Kim Walz, and Angela Clay will lose the 46th Ward Aldermanic runoff.
It's done, Clay and Walz are going to a runoff. Now enough white people, the Democratic Party and the real estate industry will coalesce behind white Kim Walz, and Angela Clay will lose the 46th Ward Aldermanic runoff.
Dropped off my ballot when picking up supplies for Tuesday's in-person voting.
Overall, I was very impressed with our 46th Ward alderman candidates. I was much less impressed with our menu of mayoral candidates.
#chicago #chicagoelection #46thward