4707 AR: Roslar's Coffer falls to Twisted Nails (#Lastwall)*
The Twisted Nails orc tribe assaulted #RoslarsCoffer, burning half the buildings, wiping out a quarter of the population, and scattering the remaining residents.
#TwistedNails #4707AR
#lastwall #roslarscoffer #twistednails #4707ar
4707 AR: Fort Thorn established (Bloodsworn Vale, #Korvosa, #Varisia)*
King of Eodred Arabasti II appointed Sir Gyrad Tolgrith to establish Fort Thorn and a trade route through the vale.
#FortThorn #BloodswornVale #GyradTolgrith #EodredArabasti #4707AR
#korvosa #varisia #fortthorn #bloodswornvale #gyradtolgrith #eodredarabasti #4707ar
4707 AR: Quinn’s Carnival comes to town (Falcon's Hollow, #Andoran)*
On the eve of a terrible winter, Namdrin Quinn's carnival arrived, bringing with it one last chance for fun before the long cold nights to come.
#FalconsHollow #NamdrinQuinn #4707AR
#andoran #falconshollow #namdrinquinn #4707ar