4715 AR: Barzillai Thrune becomes Lord-Mayor of #Kintargo (#Cheliax)*
Barzillai #Thrune, recently in charge of martial law in the city, took the title of Lord-Mayor following a night of arson and murder.
#4715AR #BarzillaiThrune…
#kintargo #cheliax #thrune #4715ar #barzillaithrune
4715 AR: Night of Ashes (#Kintargo, #Cheliax)*
Thrune agents attacked dissident groups and members of Sarenrae's and Milani's faiths, killing several leaders and burning buildings.
#NightOfAshes #4715AR
#kintargo #cheliax #nightofashes #4715ar
4715 AR: Carliss Mayhart arrested (#Kintargo)*
He was arrested following an illegal midnight duel where Lerish Aeldervenk was fatally stabbed on #Bleakbridge into the Yolubilis River.
#LerishAeldervenk #CarlissMayhart #4715AR #Y…
#kintargo #bleakbridge #lerishaeldervenk #carlissmayhart #4715ar #y
4715 AR: #Molthune lays seige (#Kraggodan)*
The Sky Citadel holds ample food stores and underground farming to ensure the dwarves can last for centuries without worrying about starvation.
4715 AR: Island of Ancorato discovered*
Captain #Ancorato discovered the island as part of Andoren exploration. Talmandor's Bounty was later established as the first settlement for colonists.
#TalmandorsBounty #4715AR
#ancorato #talmandorsbounty #4715ar
4 Kuthona 4715: Final entry of Zekeya Drabonne (#Thronestep, #Razmiran)
The remains of the journal of the investigator for the Sleepless Agency was recovered from the sewers below the city. She was never found. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Sleepless_Agency #SleeplessAgency #ZekeyaDrabonne #4715AR
#thronestep #razmiran #sleeplessagency #zekeyadrabonne #4715ar
Journey Beyond, 20 Pharast 4715 AR
Source: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Secrets_of_Magic