4718 AR: Red Reaver of Roslar's Coffer defeated (#Lastwall)*
The Red Reaver living in the Sarenite monastery for 10 years since the fall of the town was finally defeated by Pathfinders who arrived to investigate the temple.
#4718AR #RoslarsCoffer
#lastwall #4718ar #roslarscoffer
Drezen, Sarkoris Scar
#Drezen #SarkorisScar #FirstMendevianCrusade #Worldwound #FifthMendevianCrusade #4718AR
#drezen #sarkorisscar #firstmendeviancrusade #worldwound #fifthmendeviancrusade #4718ar
4718 AR: The Exaltation Massacre (Taldor)*
78 senators were slain, alongside 102 aides, defenders, family members, and staff, as well as Grand Prince #Stavian III himself, at the gala on the annual Grand Day of Exaltation. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Senate #GrandDayofExaltation #4718AR
#stavian #granddayofexaltation #4718ar