Yo Dawg,
I heard you like videos.
So I made you a video.
#KoFi #womenInFilm #IndependentFilm #Filmmaker #48HourFilmProject #48HFP #Boston48HFP #Boston48 #BostonFilmmakers #FemaleFilmmaker #FemaleFilmmakers
#kofi #WomenInFilm #independentfilm #filmmaker #48hourfilmproject #48hfp #boston48hfp #boston48 #bostonfilmmakers #femalefilmmaker #femalefilmmakers
New video about the
coming up! This time about Genres!
#FriendlyFilmmaker #KoFi #womenInFilm #IndependentFilm #Filmmaker #48HourFilmProject #48HFP #Boston48HFP #Boston48 #BostonFilmmakers #FemaleFilmmaker #FemaleFilmmakers
#friendlyfilmmaker #kofi #WomenInFilm #independentfilm #filmmaker #48hourfilmproject #48hfp #boston48hfp #boston48 #bostonfilmmakers #femalefilmmaker #femalefilmmakers
LAST CHANCE! We have special Badge for your socials and limited-time rewards! Come help us out! The shop closes this Sunday!
https://www.ko-fi.com/friendlyfilmmaker/shop ⬅ Support Friendly Filmmaker!
#FriendlyFilmmaker #KoFi #womenInFilm #IndependentFilm #Filmmaker #48HourFilmProject #48HFP #Boston48HFP #Boston48 #BostonFilmmakers
#friendlyfilmmaker #kofi #WomenInFilm #independentfilm #filmmaker #48hourfilmproject #48hfp #boston48hfp #boston48 #bostonfilmmakers
Trailer of our upcoming short "Blijf!"
#movie #social #film #shortmovie #acting #actress #actorslife #instanetherlands #producer
#inside31productions #48hfp #theNetherlands #actorsofinstagram #actor #camera #filming #shortmovie #48hourfilmproject #rose #filmfestival #director #trailer #teaser #Arnhem #team #weekend #romance
#romance #weekend #team #arnhem #teaser #trailer #director #filmfestival #rose #48hourfilmproject #filming #camera #actor #actorsofinstagram #thenetherlands #48hfp #inside31productions #producer #instanetherlands #actorslife #actress #acting #shortmovie #film #social #movie
Quoi de mieux pour commencer cette nouvelle aventure que de vous diffuser quelques-uns de mes courts-métrages ?
"Connectés" (2019). 5'. Un petit film d'anticipation, tourné en moins de 24 heures pour le 48 Hour Film Project. Avec les mêmes comédien(ne)s que le précédent film, "Brisé.e.s".
#courtmetrage #cinema #48hourfilmproject
Quoi de mieux pour commencer cette nouvelle aventure que de vous diffuser quelques-uns de mes courts-métrages ?
"Brisé.e.s" (2018). 7'33. Le film dont je suis le plus fier. Tourné en moins de 24 heures pour le 48 Hour Film Project.
#courtmetrage #cinema #48hourfilmproject
Quoi de mieux pour commencer cette nouvelle aventure que de vous diffuser quelques-uns de mes courts-métrages ?
"La Chambre" (2017). 5'00. Un film d'horreur bricolé, improvisé, et tourné en moins de 24 heures pour le 48 Hour Film Project.
#courtmetrage #cinema #48hourfilmproject