The #Meat Paradox: We Like #Animals, So Why Do We Keep Eating Them? | Technology Networks
In terms of political ideologies, greater conservatism appears to be linked to viewing #vegetarianism and #veganism in negative ways and justifying meat consumption as "natural", "necessary", "nice" and "normal", with individuals holding right-wing political beliefs being more willing to consume meat. On the other hand, left-wing participants see vegetarianism and #veganism more positively, including in #ethical and #environmental context. #4N #meatparadox #FleischParadox
#fleischparadox #meatparadox #4N #environmental #ethical #veganism #vegetarianism #animals #meat
📣📆 #4N #Redondela | Proxección do documental sobre a represión franquista ‘Sacar a la luz - la memoria de las rapadas’.
📌 Salón multiusos da Xunqueira
🕰️ 20h
Organiza Paxaretas Redondela.