I now own Endless Space 2 and all the DLC. It's time to boldy go where no one has gone before!
#AmplitudeStudios #4X #ImStarfleet
Humankind's launch trailer is willing to murder for the Moon - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/-JMslEhBr58/humankinds-launch-trailer-is-willing-to-murder-for-the-moon #AmplitudeStudios #Humankind #Strategy #Sega #4X
#amplitudestudios #humankind #strategy #sega #4X
Humankind review: a heavyweight alternative to Civilization - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/dzHzhDXXe2M/humankind-pc-review #AmplitudeStudios #WotIThink #Humankind #Strategy #Review #SEGA #4X
#amplitudestudios #wotithink #humankind #strategy #review #sega #4X
Old World is almost the perfect blend of Civilization and Crusader Kings III - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/RhL0SpDgtA0/old-world-is-almost-the-perfect-blend-of-civilization-and-crusader-kings-3 #MohawkGames #Strategy #OldWorld #4X
#mohawkgames #strategy #OldWorld #4X
Humankind's million potential civs make for some great strategy moments -and some seriously busted synergies - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/PZL3avMZ_64/humankind-preview-hands-on #AmplitudeStudios #Humankind #Strategy #Preview #SEGA #4X
#amplitudestudios #humankind #strategy #preview #sega #4X
Galactic Civilizations IV is officially happening, and it sounds very grand indeed - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/YuWakUwPWWc/galactic-civilizations-ivs-announcement-details-are-very-grand #GalacticCivilizationsIV #StardockEntertainment #4X
#GalacticCivilizationsIV #stardockentertainment #4X
Hands-on preview: Humankind is an open ended 4X that lets you build civilisations your way - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/H7-XBDWFnFA/ #FeaturedArticles #AmplitudeStudios #feature #handson #preview #4X
#featuredarticles #amplitudestudios #feature #handson #preview #4X
Preview: shape nations and annoy kings in Old World, the new 4X from Civ 4's Soren Johnson - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/PC3AbaLCl4c/ #Historicalstrategy #FeaturedArticles #MohawkGames #feature #preview #4X
#historicalstrategy #featuredarticles #mohawkgames #feature #preview #4X
Pour les personnes intéressées, #EndlessSpace (le 1) est gratuit sur #HumbleBundle !
Super #4X, foncez !
#4X #humblebundle #EndlessSpace