Just as I’m putting my little guy down for bed tonight he very urgently decides that tomorrow we HAVE TO watch:
“the one where God is in a chair and Doctor with the scarf is there too!!!”
“Riiiight, the one when God is in a chair? What on earth are you talking about?! Which one is that?”
“GOD IS IN THE CHAIR!! And then it’s cold!”
[penny drops]
So tomorrow in #4YearOldWhoWatch we’ll be (apparently) rewatching #TheRibosOperation.
#4YearOldWhoWatch #TheRibosOperation #doctorwho
Today in #4YearOldWhoWatch the little chap wanted a Doctor with the Scarf story. As we’re pushed for time this afternoon, we’ve gone for The Sontaran Experiment.
“He fell in the hole!”
“Now the Doctor fell in the hole!”
“His head is a potato!!”
“Why are they fighting with a sword?”
“I want to go to those rocks.”
Favourite moment:
“I like when the bad guy took his helmet off.”
#DoctorWho with the little boy.
As nice, cosy, favourite to celebrate #DoctorWhoDay - The Androids of Tara
“The Doctor’s playing chess with K9! K9 can’t play chess!”
“His hat’s on fire!!!!”
“Why are there two of the Doctor’s friend? Does the Doctor know he has the two friends who are the same?”
“Oh no! The bad guy is fighting with Doctor with the swords.”
Favourite moment:
“When K9 was in the boat.”
“I liked that one!”
#doctorwho #doctorwhoday #4YearOldWhoWatch
So today my little boy wanted another multi-Doctor story - so today we have #TheThreeDoctors.
“Oh no, it’s zapped his car! Now he’ll have to walk!”
“And now the house has gone?!”
“Why is Little Doctor (2nd) arguing with Angry Doctor (3rd)? They should be friends.”
Favourite moment:
“Every bit. But most when the Doctor’s car disappeared.”
“Good and silly and funny.”
#TheThreeDoctors #doctorwho #4YearOldWhoWatch
A few days break in #4YearOldWhoWatch, but here’s a #DoctorWho drawing of “Rainbow Lady Doctor” #JodieWhittaker in the TARDIS.
#4YearOldWhoWatch #doctorwho #jodiewhittaker
#4YearOldWhoWatch #DoctorWho #BlackOrchid
“Why did he say he ‘made a duck’? You don’t make ducks, that’s silly.”
“Cricket Doctor’s hitting the ball everywhere!”
“The dancing is good.”
“That’s the scariest man I’ve ever seen.”
Favourite Moment:
“When Cricket Doctor had a hat and the TARDIS was stealed. And when the Doctor was the clown.”
“The Five Doctors is better.”
#4YearOldWhoWatch #doctorwho #BlackOrchid
#4YearOldWhoWatch #DoctorWho #TheFiveDoctors
I have a very happy little guy after that - very excited by all the Doctors
“The triangle’s gonna get him! Oh no! Now he’s a toy statue!”
“It’s a jumping robot!”
“Does the Bad Guy think the Doctor’s actually the Bad Guy?” Me: Yes, I guess he does. “Does the Bad Guy not know that the Doctor does good things and that makes him the Good Guy?”
Favourite moment:
“I liked all of the bits.”
“That was the best one in all the world.”
#4YearOldWhoWatch #doctorwho #TheFiveDoctors
@thecurator LAST MINUTE CURVE BALL! just as he’s heading into school - “Is there one when Cricket Doctor plays cricket?”
Maybe we’ll do #BlackOrchid as well - lucky boy…
#BlackOrchid #4YearOldWhoWatch #doctorwho
My boy has asked to watch Cricket Doctor #PeterDavison with a robot today - I’m less familiar with Fifth Doctor stories - any suggestions for a good story featuring robots - ideally as the villains?
#4YearOldWhoWatch #PeterDavison #doctorwho
For today’s episode of #DoctorWho with the 4-year old, he wanted to watch “Doctor with the Scarf” #TomBaker and a naughty robot, so #Robot it is.
“They’re jumping together, that’s funny!” (Skipping rope scene)
“Why is Doctor with the Scarf driving Action Doctor’s (3rd) car? Did he steal it?”
“It’s the biggest robot of all time, like never before!”
Favourite moment:
“I like when the Doctor wears all the funny clothes and then has a scarf.”
#doctorwho #TomBaker #robot #4YearOldWhoWatch