each morning do a "lost classic" where they play a hit song from the music top 40 past, that doesn't get a lot of air play. It's a carry-over from what the group there did on .

One recurring theme I hear each time I catch that segment, is the artist (or their record company) saying: "My song was popular in ${COUNTRY}? I had no idea!"

Seems to me, the thing that is killing is NOT people copying CDs/LPs/tapes, far and above the bulk of the blame over the _past 8 decades_, lays at the feet of the record company in the recording industry, who were too greedy to be _honest_ with their artists.

#4bc #4kq #music #executives

Last updated 1 year ago

…aaand has just been given their marching orders by the Australian Government.

News heard on is that the Russian Embassy has been asked to leave.

#russia #4bc

Last updated 1 year ago

So, just launched a rocket, and as the report from goes… the payload apparently failed to separate from the rocket, so they decided to "blow it up".

Last year, launched his bid to buy but then failed to separate… am I seeing a pattern here?

#spacex #4bc #elonmusk #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

This morning on , there's been a little discussion about the regarding athletes being asked to leave the village after their events.

The allegation being that athletes go for three Ps: Participation, Partying and Procreation, with authorities wanting to reduce the latter two.

#4bc #2024olympics

Last updated 2 years ago