Wenn ich Julian Reichelt hiesse, würde ich eher keine Infos an ein Blatt leaken, dass ich neulich noch als „in Stasi Hand“ bezeichnet habe.
#Reichelt #Friedrich #BerlinerZeitung #4dChess
#reichelt #friedrich #berlinerzeitung #4dchess
As of this morning blue checks on the bird site have become a mark of shame #4DChess
Smart! Don't include accessing Twitter with your current non-existent API plan. Especially when logged out.
Also love the fact that the URL that is referenced gives you the same error.
#4dchess #twitter #api #failwhale
Politics is the only 4-D chess in town.
You can move your pieces (almost) independently in 4 dimensions;
Left - Right
Liberal - Conservative
Anarchist - Authoritarian
Populist - Elitist
Some parts of this space have more political parties than others, but people with all possible combinations exist, and not just isolated incidents either.
All #chess is #4dchess. If it was only two dimensional the pieces would just be flat discs on a plane with zero thickness and we wouldn’t be able to get a purchase on them with our hands to pick them up and move them. If it was only three dimensional we’d only be able to stare at the board in the opening position stuck in suspended motion for an eternity.
Investor in #Twitter slashes current value by over 50%, That’s some #4Dchess going on here https://www.axios.com/2022/12/30/twitter-fidelity-valuation
@mcdirk it’s such a stunning strategy to attack and ridicule your customer base - I don’t see many Tesla’s in rural America. Maybe he thinks they’ll flock to Tesla stores?
Maybe they’ll reduce emissions to own the libs.
Sometimes “success” is merit-less.
Sometimes money just buys shit.
And we need to start sifting between merit and money and all the stuff in between in how we look at the world.
Because our world isn’t just— it’s fully capable and susceptible to being manipulated by rogue actors, by billionaires claiming to “know things.” The least we can do is call them on the bull shit.
#rant #meritocracy #4dchess