HK’s apparent doctrine on mourning:
“…in accordance with the law…”
Leaving little space for seemingly any form of dissent, or freedom of expression.
FT article «Hongkongers struggle to get voice heard on #TiananmenSquare anniversary»
#4June #HongKong
#tiananmensquare #4june #hongkong
34 Jahre nach dem #Tienanmen #Massaker
#4Junio #4Juni #4June #China
#tienanmen #massaker #4junio #4juni #4june #china
英國駐中大使館星期日「天安門屠殺」34週年在 Twitter 表示,他們當天在微博張貼了有關悼念「六四」的消息,附上《人民日報》1989年6月4日的頭版,但微博在20分鐘內就將帖文刪除,形容微博把「來自黨內最權威的新聞機構在屠殺當天的新聞報道」審查了。
We remember. We also remember those who remember.
#Tiananmen #4June
#天安门 #6月4日
Sciopero del trasporto aereo differito al 4 giugno mentre le compagnie speculano sui prezzi
#Previsto per oggi, lo sciopero di 4 ore dei lavoratori dell’handling del trasporto aereo è stato differito a domenica 4 giugno. La decisione di Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uilt è
The post Sciopero del trasporto aereo differito al 4 giugno mentre le compagnie speculano sui prezzi first appeared on il manifesto.
Air transport strike postponed to #4June as companies speculate on prices
Planned for today, the 4-hour strike of air transport handling workers has been postponed to Sunday #4June. The decision of Filt CGIL, Fit Cisl, Uilt is
The post Air transport strike postponed to #4June while companies speculate on prices first appeared on il manifesto.
19-5-2023 0:1 #il manifesto
"I pay respect to the brave people of China who gathered in Beijing’s #TiananmenSquare to call for political reforms, civil liberties and the elimination of corruption. #CCP leaders chose to fire on them rather than respect the will of their people." 🗣️ @AnnaFotyga_PE #4june
RT @ecrgroup: "I pay respect to the brave people of China who gathered in Beijing’s #TiananmenSquare to call for political reforms, civil liberties and the elimination of corruption. #CCP leaders chose to fire on them rather than respect the will of their people." 🗣️ @AnnaFotyga_PE #4june