#4BC each morning do a "lost classic" where they play a hit song from the music top 40 past, that doesn't get a lot of air play. It's a carry-over from what the group there did on #4KQ.
One recurring theme I hear each time I catch that segment, is the artist (or their record company) saying: "My song was popular in ${COUNTRY}? I had no idea!"
Seems to me, the thing that is killing #music is NOT people copying CDs/LPs/tapes, far and above the bulk of the blame over the _past 8 decades_, lays at the feet of the record company #executives in the recording industry, who were too greedy to be _honest_ with their artists.
To Here, There & Everywhere… this is what happens when you buy up a rival #radio network, force-merge it with your own and cause them to have to shut down a Brisbane Icon. #4KQ went from a #music station to a 24/7 sports station (like #4IP did back in the early 90s) 2022-07-01.
So, today ventured into a major store for the first time this year… headed straight for the #music section with my shopping list (I have two; one of songs/artists I'm explicitly looking for, one compiled from #4KQ's old playlists for inspiration).
Very rarely do I come away with less than 2 or 3 CDs, but this time, came away empty handed. Disappointing. So many rare tracks from the #70s never see the light of day today. Guess it's back to #vinyl for me now.