「宇宙戦艦ヤマト 劇場版」「さらば宇宙戦艦ヤマト 愛の戦士たち」が4Kリマスター版で劇場上映 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com https://eiga.com/news/20230822/13/
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will release on 4k Blu-ray in this Amazon Exclusive Edition https://hd-report.com/2023/08/18/dragon-ball-super-super-hero-will-release-on-4k-blu-ray-in-this-amazon-exclusive-edition/ #DragonBall #DragonBallSuper #Crunchyroll #4kUHD #DragonBallSuperSuperHero #PhysicalMedia #ドラゴンボー超スーパースーパーヒーロー
#DragonBall #dragonballsuper #crunchyroll #4kuhd #dragonballsupersuperhero #physicalmedia #ドラゴンボー超スーパースーパーヒーロー
Turned up noise reduction on ps5 and picture quality is much better. I had it set to 1 and changed it to 2. #indianajones #4kuhd #ps5
Maybe these screenshots will have a DEEP IMPACT on you? Check out new shots and scans from @ParamountPics' 4K UHD at the link! #bluray #cultfilms #4kuhd
No hay mes que #AContracorrienteFilms no nos de alegrías con los grandes títulos que edita en formato físico, y toca el momento de repasar sus lanzamientos de abril en #DVD, #Bluray y #4KUHD, entre los que cabe destacar la increíble y completa edición de #AsBestas, y también la edición 35º aniversario de #CinemaParadiso:
#acontracorrientefilms #DVD #bluray #4kuhd #asbestas #CinemaParadiso
Really excited for the release of the #JohnWick 1-4 Boxset on #4KUHD. Not sure about the release date yet, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled over on #Amazon
The past 3 nights I visited The Evil Dead 4K, The Evil Dead 2 4K and Army Of Darkness 4K.
Tonight is the extended unrated cut of Evil Dead in 4K from 2013.
All in preparation for Evil Dead Rise next week!
Gonna try and fit in some Ash Vs The Evil Dead episodes too...
#EvilDead #4Kuhd
#FilmMastodon: Prepare to revisit David Cronenberg's #NakedLunch in glorious #4KUHD.
Check out all the details on #BlazingMinds https://blazingminds.co.uk/naked-lunch-comes-to-4k-uhd/
#FilmMastodon #nakedlunch #4kuhd #BlazingMinds
Horror fans, get ready to experience Dario Argento's 'Phenomena' like never before! The cult classic is coming to 4K UHD for the ultimate viewing experience. #DarioArgento #Phenomena #4KUHD #HorrorMovies
#darioargento #phenomena #4kuhd #horrormovies
NEW ENNIO 4K UHD Box set available, includes 4K UHD Disc / 2K Disc with Extra Content and Book. LINK IN BIO. #ennio #enniomorricone #theglanceofmusic #elmaestro #soundtrack #moviescore #musician #giuseppetornatore #4kuhd #bluray #sergioleone #quentintarantino #sergiocorbucci #4k
#ennio #enniomorricone #theglanceofmusic #elmaestro #soundtrack #moviescore #musician #giuseppetornatore #4kuhd #bluray #sergioleone #quentintarantino #sergiocorbucci #4k
Completamente innamorato ❤️
#MulhollandDrive #4kult #4kuhd #bluraycollector
#MulhollandDrive #4kult #4kuhd #bluraycollector
Ich bin wirklich froh, doch noch ein Exemplar der schönen Sammleredition von #TrueRomance von #arrowvideo gefunden zu haben. Liebe alles daran und den Film sowieso. 🥰
#uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #collectorsedition #filmliebe #steelbook
#trueromance #arrowvideo #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #CollectorsEdition #FilmLiebe #steelbook
Die tolle Blu-ray-Sammleredition mit den günstigen 4K-Discs aus UK geupgraded. Nun freue ich mich noch mehr auf eine neue Sichtung von #batmanbegins #thedarkknight und #thedarkknightrises von #christophernolan 🦇
#batmanbegins #thedarkknight #thedarkknightrises #christophernolan #bluray #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd
A #4KUHD disc release of Wong Kar Wai's 'In the Mood for Love' with Maggie Cheung & an absolutely, positively never hotter #TonyLeung? Er, YES?! :ablobcatrave:
Hashtag #️⃣ cloud ☁️ of my interests 🥰:
#animals #cats #crafts #CreepyPodcast #editing #fantasy #film #filmmaking #fortnite #gardening #gay #horror #LOTR #movies #nintendo #physicalmedia #overwatch #plants #playstation #roguelikes #scifi #starwars #switch #technology #twitch #vampiresurvivors #vegetarian #videogames #videography #warframe #xbox #4kUHD
Yes, I took this from other people cuz I have no idea what I'm doing!
#4kuhd #xbox #warframe #videography #videogames #vegetarian #VampireSurvivors #Twitch #technology #switch #starwars #scifi #roguelikes #playstation #plants #overwatch #physicalmedia #nintendo #movies #lotr #horror #gay #gardening #fortnite #filmmaking #film #fantasy #editing #creepypodcast #crafts #cats #animals
Hashtag #️⃣ cloud ☁️ of my interests 🥰:
#animals #cats #crafts #CreepyPodcast #editing #fantasy #film #filmmaking #fortnite #gardening #gay #gaymer #horror #lgbtq #LOTR #movies #nintendo #physicalmedia #overwatch #plants #playstation #roguelikes #scifi #starwars #switch #technology #twitch #vampiresurvivors #vegetarian #videogames #videography #warframe #xbox #4kUHD
Yes, I took this from other people cuz I have no idea what I'm doing!
#lgbtq #gaymer #4kuhd #xbox #warframe #videography #videogames #vegetarian #VampireSurvivors #Twitch #technology #switch #starwars #scifi #roguelikes #playstation #plants #overwatch #physicalmedia #nintendo #movies #lotr #horror #gay #gardening #fortnite #filmmaking #film #fantasy #editing #creepypodcast #crafts #cats #animals
For someone who doesn't do Christmas, I do seem to be getting a lot of Christmas presents (for myself). But when it's one of my two favourite Laika movies, I think I'm allowed. #Paranorman #4KUHD 🤗
Neu in der Sammlung: Die großartige Collector's Edition von #thefrighteners von #peterjackson mit #michaeljfox von @turbinemedien 👻
#blurayaddict #bluraycollector #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #collectorsedition #filmliebe #digipak
#thefrighteners #peterjackson #michaeljfox #blurayaddict #BluRayCollector #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #CollectorsEdition #FilmLiebe #digipak