Old Hardware, New Possibilities: 4MLinux 43.0 STABLE Released
Independent Distro #4MLinux 43.0 Released with Linux 6.1 LTS, Thunderbird 115 🐧
The latest iteration of the lightweight 4MLinux is available now with several updates and new features https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/4MLinux-42.0-Now-Ready-for-Prime-Time #Linux #4MLinux #hardware #distro #software #toolchains
#linux #4mlinux #hardware #distro #software #toolchains
The latest release of lightweight Linux distribution 4MLinux comes with many updates and new features https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/4MLinux-42.0-is-Ready-For-Prime-Time #4MLinux #OpenSource #recovery #LibreOffice #GIMP #Thunderbird #PHP #Perl #Python #Ruby
#4mlinux #opensource #recovery #libreoffice #gimp #thunderbird #php #perl #python #ruby
Did you miss Linux Update yesterday? Read it now, and subscribe free to get it every week! https://mailchi.mp/linux-magazine.com/linux-update-locking-down-the-thunderbolt-interface #Linux #Thunderbolt #Xfce #4MLinux #Shell #backup #EndeavorOS #CommandLine #jobs #events #RockyLinux
#linux #thunderbolt #xfce #4mlinux #shell #backup #endeavoros #commandline #jobs #events #RockyLinux
4MLinux 41.0 STABLE enables installation on BTRFS partitions
4MLinux 41.0 status is now stable and ready for use https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/4MLinux-41.0-is-Now-Stable-and-Ready-for-Use #4MLinux #Linux #OpenSource #BTRFS #BootManager #LightweightLinux #kernel #Mesa #JWM #FOSS #distro
#4mlinux #linux #opensource #btrfs #Bootmanager #LightweightLinux #kernel #mesa #jwm #foss #distro
So #TIL about #4MLinux, a distribution that aims to be lightweight and versatile at the same time
This reminds me that I need to try that Debian-flavored version of #puppylinux, called dpup:
Lightweight Independent distro 4MLinux 41.0 stable is now available with SDL games + More
Została wydana nowa wersja niezależnej dystrybucji 4MLinux 41.0 https://linuxiarze.pl/4mlinux-41-0/ #linux #4mlinux
Lightweight Distro #4MLinux 41 Arrives with #Linux Kernel 6.0, #Btrfs Support, and New Apps https://9to5linux.com/lightweight-distro-4mlinux-41-arrives-with-linux-kernel-6-0-btrfs-support-and-new-apps
#jwm #OpenSource #btrfs #Linux #4mlinux
4MLinux 40 Distro Released with Linux Kernel 5.18, Improved 3D Support, and More
#independentdistro #Linuxdistribution #4MLinux40 #4MLinux #Distro #News
#independentdistro #Linuxdistribution #4MLinux40 #4mlinux #distro #news
#4MLinux 38.1 released. http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/160898 #Linux #GNUplusLinux
4MLinux 38.0 Released with New Apps, Basic Support for 32-bit Apps, and a Games Pack
4MLinux 37.0 Distro Released, Powered by Linux Kernel 5.10 LTS with Reiser4 Support
4MLinux 36.0 Distro Introduces NBD Support, Improved exFAT Support, and New Apps
#jwm #4mlinux #Linuxdistribution
Ultra-Lightweight Distribution 4MLinux 35.0 Released! Check Out What’s New
Lightweight Linux distribution 4MLinux 35.0 Released with Notepad++ and new games #linux #4MLinux