#fridayreads finds me finishing a week spent in the amazing work of @marthawells and the #MurderBotDiaries series. Top-shelf sci-fi and not nearly as murdery as the title might suggest! #4stars
#fridayreads #murderbotdiaries #4stars
Read my ★★★★ review of Candy Quinn's "Shipwrecked Beauty," book #2 of the seven (count 'em, seven) Kindle Unlimited romance novels I'm reading in a row this week, to help give me a better picture of this genre so to better help my freelance clients who write KU romance books themselves. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5177936682
#book #review #ShipwreckedBeauty #CandyQuinn #4stars #KindleUnlimited #romance #novel #novella #erotica #cuckolding #breeding
#ShipwreckedBeauty #novel #cuckolding #book #kindleunlimited #CandyQuinn #4stars #novella #breeding #review #romance #erotica
Read my ★★★★ review of Elle Grawl's 2022 crime novel "One of those Faces," the first Amazon Prime Reads novel I've ever read (out of the 15 I've read total) to actually be good, due mainly to a smart, unexpected storyline combined with a darkly flawed unreliable narrator. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5165233512
#book #review #elleGrawl #oneOfThoseFaces #4stars #novel #crime #mystery #amazon #primeReads #kindleUnlimited #free #good #great #recommendation #suggestion #genre #publishing #freelance #advice
#novel #4stars #primeReads #free #recommendation #genre #publishing #freelance #advice #mystery #amazon #great #suggestion #book #review #elleGrawl #oneOfThoseFaces #kindleunlimited #good #crime
Read my ★★★★ review of the 2022 film "I'm Totally Fine," mostly a dreary indie dramedy about a young woman trying to process the unexpected death of her best friend, but endlessly elevated by an Oscar-worthy performance by Natalie Morales as a space alien who has taken on her friend's appearance and memories as a way of conducting field research on humans. https://boxd.it/3vfX1F
#review #movie #film #imTotallyFine #jillianBell #natalieMorales #indie #dramedy #4stars #oscar #performance
#review #jillianBell #NatalieMorales #movie #film #imTotallyFine #indie #dramedy #4stars #oscar #performance