This morning, I posted the Christmas Novelty Song by Bad News. Here is another novelty song. This time by somebody rejected on the UK version of the X factor. Simon Cowell said I'll give you 50 grand for Christmas if you get to number 1. He didn't, and I don't think it even charted.
#musicaladventcalendar #4thdecember #christmasweird
For those not familiar with this series, "My Hero" was an alien super-hero who came to earth, and had trouble understanding earth people and customs.
Anyway, here is the Christmas Special.
Morning me dears,
It’s the 4th of December. Here’s the fourth window of me bloomin’ advent calendar. It’s a little late was out for a few drinks in Scotland. Ooh me bloomin’ head!
#AdventCalendar #December4th #Christmas #4thDecember #FatherChristmas #ChristmasCountdown #Caturday
#adventcalendar #December4th #christmas #4thdecember #FatherChristmas #ChristmasCountdown #caturday
Christmas isn't just a time for the mega hits, but also for humour. This satirie on pop stars releasing christmas singles was by the fake group "Bad News". You may recognise a few members of the group.
#musicaladventcalendar #4thdecember