Neue Woche, neuer Streamplan!
Die Lesungen aus meinen Büchern laufen ab sofort auf YouTube, denkt dran. Der Rest vorerst noch auf Twitch.
- heute #Lesezeit aus #DieKlaueDesMorero
- Dienstag #4thewords und #CoWorking
- Donnerstag #Gaming – reicht gern Vorschläge ein!
Am Wochenende könnt ihr mich auf der #ComicCon Freiburg treffen.
Bis später!
#TeamSchreibgeheimnis #FantasyausDeutschland #TwitchDE #YouTubeDE
#lesezeit #DieKlauedesMorero #4thewords #coworking #gaming #comiccon #teamschreibgeheimnis #FantasyausDeutschland #twitchde #YoutubeDe
Heute sind wir wieder auf Twitch unterwegs, um beim #CoWorking gemeinsam Quests zu erledigen und #4thewords-Monster zu besiegen.
Pre-Stream läuft, wir sehen uns gleich!
#coworking #4thewords #twitchde #twitchstreamer #teamschreibgeheimnis
Ab sofort findet die #Lesezeit auf #YouTubeDE statt. Meine sonstigen Streams bleiben vorerst noch auf #TwitchDE.
- :youtube_logo: heute Lesezeit mit START in #DieKlaueDesMorero
- :twitch: Dienstag #4thewords & #CoWorking :purple_dragon:
- Donnerstag Austesten der neuen Plattform #LiveSpace – wenn wir eh schon Multi-Plattform-Woche machen 👀
Bis später!
#lesezeit #YoutubeDe #twitchde #DieKlauedesMorero #4thewords #coworking #livespace #teamschreibgeheimnis #FantasyausDeutschland #gaming
now on a 16-day writing streak and pretty dang proud of me.
Neue Woche, neuer Streamplan!
Heute kein Stream aus diversen Gründen, dafür wird die #Lesezeit künftig auf YouTube wandern, wenn alles klappt! :youtube_logo:
- Dienstag #4thewords mit Event & #CoWorking
- Donnerstag #Gaming mit entspanntem Knobeln
- Freitag Plausch & Feiern mit @julianafabula zu 3 Jahren Selbstständigkeit
Ich freu mich auf euch!
#TwitchDE #TwitchStreamer #TeamSchreibgeheimnis #FantasyausDeutschland #Gaming
#lesezeit #4thewords #coworking #gaming #twitchde #twitchstreamer #teamschreibgeheimnis #FantasyausDeutschland
Editing again today. Hope to get this finished up this weekend or early next week. Almost have all the stories complete for Lofty Mountains as well!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
More edits today, and speeding along. Hoping to get working on my nonfiction book next week.
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
On to the fourth developmental edit in about a week! Cutting down the backlog so I can get to edits on my own books...
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Back to work today. Finished the novella developmental edit, and sent out acceptances for two more books for Space Wizard Year 3! I can't wait for you all to see next year's lineup!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Another excellent day selling books at Charlotte, NC Pride, and got a chance to work more on developmental edits to a novella for next year on the drive back! #4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Had a great day at Charlotte, NC Pride today BUT I'll be back on Sunday! So if you missed getting a book, you have another chance tomorrow!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
On to dev. edits on another novella today! Got the first third done. Tomorrow we'll be at Charlotte, NC Pride at the Neighborhood Market. I'll have exclusive hardcovers and pre-release books, along with all-queer content!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Finished up the developmental edits on the novella today. That was a lot in two days!
If you're in Charlotte, NC this weekend, come see us at the Neighborhood Market at Charlotte Pride: I'll have all my catalog, as well as some pre-releases!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Halfway through developmental edits for a novella for Space Wizard year 3. I think you'll enjoy this one, when it comes out!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
wowww. i had no idea this existed. really neat writing motivation tool!
btw, if you use my referral code, you'll get a bonus with your first purchase! MEIWE41598
Another novella ready for copy edits! Very happy to get it all buttoned up today. On to the next edit tomorrow...
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
On to editing today! I went over three stories for Lofty Mountains, a couple queries, and edits for a story coming out early next year. Knocking down the editing pile! #4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Finished up editing Fruits of the Gods today! It's going to a select few people to check on the new content added, and then to copy editing. I'm very excited to share this new version. If you've read it before, there's a whole new plotline!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Whew, edits on two more chapters of Fruits of the Gods, with three to go, and did another editing pass on a story for Lofty Mountains. Tonight I'll be selling books at Geek and Grub at Fletcher Park in Raleigh!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
Received about 100 books today, and inventoried everything for the next few markets. More work on Fruits of the Gods as well. Almost done with the new content integrations!
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction
#4thewords #editing #amwritingfiction