@rdonoghue the last panel of #4thstreetfantasy two weekends back was about maps, and my friend @Clundoff lobbied successfully to get me on the panel, because boy do I have opinions and knowledge about maps :)
The "movie poster" from the finale panel at #4thstreetfantasy, featuring (among the fine panelists) @matociquala @MarissaLingen @philmargolies
and me!
#4thStreetFantasy Quick, someone mention Rosemary Kirstein, whose Steerswoman series is about maps and mapmakers and the politics thereof!
On this Caroline Stevermer and Patricia Wrede panel, love is given to the work of @GCogman and @stephanieburgis #4thstreetfantasy
Back to #4thStreetFantasy in a bit for a celebration of the publishing anniversary of one of my favorite comfort reads and favorite authors - SORCERY AND CECILIA by Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer! https://pcwrede.com/pcw-wp/books/regency-magic-kate-and-cecelia/
At a panel where the bias of translation is being discussed. The purpose of the translation will also impact the bias. Three examples where different intent could inform the translation and the bias, literary translation, diplomatic translation, and military translation
“Things don’t progress towards chaos, they progress towards organization!” - Stella Evans - #4thStreetFantasy - Panel: Organizing People: Fantasy Bureaucracy as a Tool for Change
This is my first year attending #4thStreetFantasy, and so far it's been dope as shit.
“The people who heal and the people who fight are both in resistance.” - John Wiswell - #4thstreetfantasy - Reclaiming Narratives panel
Made it to #4thStreetFantasy just in time to get in a quick Rona test before my 9:30 panel! Which went well! Pantsing for the win! 😏
Normally, I am a back-slapping hugger, but I was recently in the cesspool which is Las Vegas for work, so I will be no hugs for this #4thstreetfantasy.
We (Michelle & I) are safely ensconced in our hotel room in Elkhart, IN, en route to Minneapolis for #4thstreetfantasy. We have eaten delicious burgers at a lakeside joint with a cow statue out front. We’ve also spent 9 hours in the car without once arguing. Just missing having the Os game on.
Finished just in time to take to #4thStreetFantasy! #4thStreetMysteryProject #Woodworking
#4thstreetfantasy #4thstreetmysteryproject #woodworking
Somebody is going to get to write on this. #Woodworking #4thStreetMysteryProject #4thstreetfantasy
#woodworking #4thstreetmysteryproject #4thstreetfantasy
Heyyy Mastodon, how's things, I wandered off to be a hermit.
I shall be at #4thStreetFantasy next weekend, and on the panel about healing! Looking forward to seeing any of you who'll be there!
@Clundoff I'm looking forward to #4thStreetFantasy! I didn't apply for any panels this year--it is possible I'm having a touch of imposter syndrome thanks to putting all my writing energy into a book instead of writing and selling short stories. I should fix that.
More stock prep for the mystery #4thStreetFantasy project. Flattening a lovely piece of cherry with my vintage (1910) Stanley No. 8 jointer. Yes, it really is 24” of cast iron, steel, and rosewood. #Woodworking
#4thstreetfantasy #woodworking
All your favorite local cons for 2023 in the @TwinCitiesGeek annual guide: #CONvergence #CONsoleRoom #ConOfTheNorth #VGMCon #SkalCon #Anime Fusion #MNPokéConMini #MarsCon #Minicon #4thStreetFantasy #2DCon #Diversicon and more
#MNastodon #Minnesota #TwinCitiesMN TwinCities #MSP
#anime #msp #twincitiesmn #minnesota #mnastodon #diversicon #2dcon #4thstreetfantasy #minicon #marscon #mnpokeconmini #skalcon #vgmcon #conofthenorth #consoleroom #convergence
I had such a good time running the oneshot for #4thstreetfantasy today. Endlessly creative players who really breathed life into the pre-generated grimdark necromantic veterans (think Black Company/Shadow Campaigns with piles of puns about the human brain), set fire to a train, shoved people off bridges, reacted with cool aplomb when heads popped like popcorn, & terrified civilians in like 4 different ways.