Conquest Update for Dune: Spice Wars is now Available.
"Fight for unrivalled supremacy over Arrakis in Dune: Spice Wars' new campaign"
#dune #DuneSpiceWars #4x #rts #strategy #steam
A part of the current Steam strategy fest is the indie game “Theocracy”. Theocracy is an old-school #turnbased #4X game, inspired by #Civ1 and #civ2 but with a focus on religion and mysticism. So besides expanding your empire, you also need to spread your religion and convert pagans.
The game is currently on sale for 4.89€ instead of 6.99 until September 4, and the dev is a fellow civ-fanatic too!
Steam link:
Our thread:
@rockpapershotgun And we have a selection of the most relevant games for any civ-fanatic, or any other historic #turnbased #4X gamer here .
After having worked on it mostly solo (with the help of friends from time to time) for almost 4 years, the demo for my #turnbased #4x #citybuilder Elaborate Lands is now finally available on Steam:
Feedback welcome! Also feel free to join our Discord:
#turnbased #4x #citybuilder #gamedev #indiedev
Le problème avec les jeux Paradox (Cities Skyline, Europa Universalis, Stellaris), c’est qu’ils sont installables sur Linux, donc sur mon PC pro, mais qu’ils ont la fâcheuse manie de ne pas me lâcher (oubliez les parties de 5 minutes).
Et puis merde, ça fait déjà 5h…
#gaming #4x #strategie #paradoxinteractive
#gaming #4x #strategie #paradoxinteractive
Le studio Oxyde Games vient de diffuser une bande-annonce montrant du gameplay du 4X Ara : History Untold.
L'article complet par ici :
Are there gamers out there who play #grandstrategy #games?
For example #victoria3 #crusaderkings3 or #4x like #ageofwonders4
#grandstrategy #games #Victoria3 #CrusaderKings3 #4x #ageofwonders4
July 24, 2023 - Day 205 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 224
Game: Ozymandias
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
Library Date: Jul 18, 2023
Unplayed: 6d
Playtime: 74m
Another day, another late review.
I'm on call this week, which means that it's a little bit trickier to fit in a game and a review, and I had to write yesterday's review. I had enough time to squeeze in 15mins of the second last game in the Humble Bundle.
74 minutes later, yeah...
After the last two games, I didn't have a lot of hope for Ozymandias. At least it wasn't pixel art?
Turns out that Ozymandias is a "stripped down 4X". The first 4X game I tried to play (and failed at) was Reach for the Stars, and I just haven't had a lot of luck since then.
Generally, I find there are too many moving parts to keep track of, and I end up stressed out instead of relaxing. Not the good kind of stressed out where I get to through the stress to a win state.
The bad kind where I hate every minute of it.
Herein lies the surprise with Ozymandias: I had no idea it was a 4X until after I finished playing it, and read the precis for the game on Steam.
They've stripped out the bit I dislike, and left me with something that got me hooked and kept me playing *far* later than I should have.
The framing is an early 20th century expedition, where you're introduced to the "world" of Ozymandias. The game introduces you to each piece of the gameplay in a single level, and it all comes together into something very playable.
It's a top-down strategy game, and the graphics work for the playstyle. Not too simplistic, not overly complex.
I just have to make sure I don't start playing again now, because I have somewhere I need to be for dinner.
Ozymandias is:
4: Good
#Ozymandias #4X #Strategy #HumbleChoice #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#Ozymandias #4x #strategy #humblechoice #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
@omniscion tastes and preferences change, I would not worry about that. Just check what you find appealing now, and cherish that.
(I recommend trying out #turnbased #4X games ^^)
I have work tomorrow morning, so starting a new Sid Meier’s #Civilization game at (checks clock) 11:00 pm is a good choice right? I’m sure I won’t be here all night!
#StrategyGames #4X #OneMoreTurn
#civilization #strategygames #4x #onemoreturn
Hello everyone, RwbyMoon here, but you can just call me Benjamin ! I'm a Content Designer with a strong taste for #LiveOps and I'm a fabulous French person ! So yeah, #excel #spreadsheets is my thing, even though I like more and more #sql #data!
I love doing #gamedesign #theory before going to practical prototyping, all of my core projects which you can see in my portfolio in my bio !
I come from the world of #rts and #moba games, and love #4x so much that I recently started modding #civ6 !
#LiveOps #excel #spreadsheets #sql #data #gamedesign #theory #rts #moba #4x #civ6
🇨🇦Happy Canada Day!!!🍁
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🎮 Northgard | shirogames
#️⃣ #4x #citybuilder #Linux #multiplaye #rts #simulation #strategy
#strategy #simulation #rts #multiplaye #linux #citybuilder #4x
Unabhängigkeit erreicht! | Stellaris | Ep. 42
Erkunde, entdecke und interagiere auf deiner Reise durch die Sterne mit einer Vielzahl an Spezies. Schmiede ein galaktisches Imperium.
#Stellaris #4X #Diplomacy #Diplomatie #Erkundung #Exploration #GlobalStrategy #Globalstrategie #Multiplayer #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #Sandbox #Science-Fiction #Simulation #Space #Stellaris #Weltraum
#stellaris #4x #diplomacy #diplomatie #Erkundung #exploration #globalstrategy #Globalstrategie #multiplayer #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #paradoxinteractive #sandbox #science #simulation #space #weltraum
Dies wird der Standort für etwas Großes werden! | Stellaris | Ep. 41
Erkunde, entdecke und interagiere auf deiner Reise durch die Sterne mit einer Vielzahl an Spezies. Schmiede
#Stellaris #4X #Diplomacy #Diplomatie #Erkundung #Exploration #GlobalStrategy #Globalstrategie #Multiplayer #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #Sandbox #Science-Fiction #Simulation #Space #Stellaris #Weltraum
#stellaris #4x #diplomacy #diplomatie #Erkundung #exploration #globalstrategy #Globalstrategie #multiplayer #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #paradoxinteractive #sandbox #science #simulation #space #weltraum
Wo bauen wir unsere Mega-Schiffswerft nur hin? | Stellaris | Ep. 40
Erkunde, entdecke und interagiere auf deiner Reise durch die Sterne mit einer Vielzahl an Spezies. Schmiede ein ga
#Stellaris #4X #Diplomacy #Diplomatie #Erkundung #Exploration #GlobalStrategy #Globalstrategie #Multiplayer #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #Sandbox #Science-Fiction #Simulation #Space #Stellaris #Weltraum
#stellaris #4x #diplomacy #diplomatie #Erkundung #exploration #globalstrategy #Globalstrategie #multiplayer #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #paradoxinteractive #sandbox #science #simulation #space #weltraum
Sterntorbau im Krieg. | Stellaris | Ep. 39
Erkunde, entdecke und interagiere auf deiner Reise durch die Sterne mit einer Vielzahl an Spezies. Schmiede ein galaktisches Imperium.
#Stellaris #4X #Diplomacy #Diplomatie #Erkundung #Exploration #GlobalStrategy #Globalstrategie #Multiplayer #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #Sandbox #Science-Fiction #Simulation #Space #Stellaris #Weltraum
#stellaris #4x #diplomacy #diplomatie #Erkundung #exploration #globalstrategy #Globalstrategie #multiplayer #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #paradoxinteractive #sandbox #science #simulation #space #weltraum
Systemische Verwaltung. | Stellaris | Ep. 38
Erkunde, entdecke und interagiere auf deiner Reise durch die Sterne mit einer Vielzahl an Spezies. Schmiede ein galaktisches Imperium.
#Stellaris #4X #Diplomacy #Diplomatie #Erkundung #Exploration #GlobalStrategy #Globalstrategie #Multiplayer #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #Sandbox #Science-Fiction #Simulation #Space #Stellaris #Weltraum
#stellaris #4x #diplomacy #diplomatie #Erkundung #exploration #globalstrategy #Globalstrategie #multiplayer #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #paradoxinteractive #sandbox #science #simulation #space #weltraum