Happy Fourth!
Show 1361, 5000 Days of No Agenda
#numbertheory #numerology #5000Days
1361 is the 17th centered decagonal number.
#numerology #5000Days #numbertheory
ITM! Show 1361 Number Theory:
1361 is a Strong Prime, a Chen Prime and a Honaker Prime. It is the 218th prime number.
1+3+6+1 = 2+1+8
#primeNumber #numbertheory #numerology #5000Days
Will Adam and John be broadcasting live for episode 15,727 in the year 2164 to fight the United States Mainstream Interdimensional Thought Force?
No. But tomorrow is episode 1361 - a super duper prime number after a long wait and 5000 days of No Agenda.
(More on Episode 15727 tomorrow)
#numbertheory #numerology #itm #5000Days